Wanting your opinions


11 Years
May 25, 2008
Winston, Oregon
I have these three hens, sold as araucanas but I believe are Ameracaunas or maybe just EE. They all three have muffs or beards and slate colored legs, although I'm most probably the worst photographer that ever held a camera and the pictures don't show much of their muffs, beards or leg color. #1 lays a light pink egg, #2 lays a bright blue egg and #3 lays a more olive green egg. So, in your unexpert or expert opinions, just what breeds do I have here and what would you label their feather color as. For myself, I would say #1 was a blue wheaten almost a blue laced red even, #2 a blue brown and #3 a gold or brown black? #2 really confuses me.



the last one looks like an aruacana but i'm not sure, i've only had one and that was bandit, but she past. Well, i know someone here will know
If #1 is laying a pink egg I think that officially makes her an EE. I also thought Arucana had the tufts and no tails, Ameraucana has a tail and muffs and beards.
Sorry that is all I can add...as I as sold Ameraucanas and am waiting to see how true the breed they are.

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