Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

The classroom chicks were pipped this morning!!! I'm going in at 730 in the morning to set up the brooder :D

I had to bring home one of the CLs bc it has a herniated belly button not too horribly bad though so I'm hoping it can adjust and perk up soon. The other chickens are doing great some still need to hatch but here's some pics



I'm in West Seattle with five 23-week-old pullets and it's been in the mid 20s in my coop this week. Too cold! Their water has been frozen in the mornings, so I've been setting my alarm to get up at dawn to give them fresh water. I hadn't planned to heat my coop or provide supplemental light, but I'm reconsidering. I put a heat lamp on for a while this morning, but I've read so many concerns about fire hazards that I didn't leave it on for long. My girls are all cold tolerant breeds -- Buff Orp, Barred Rock, Speckled Sussex and Australorp -- so I think they should be okay. But I also think they'd be more comfortable with some heat. Do other Washingtonians provide winter heat and if so, what do you use? I'm also interested in good ideas for heating their water. The only electricity I have in my coop is an extension cord. Thanks for any advice. And by the way -- no eggs yet. I think my BR is ready if it would just get a little warmer.
I plan to place a water heater in there to keep it from freezing, but no heat inside the coop itself. I don't provide supplemental light either, and don't really plan to. I'm using the deep litter method inside the coop. I will likely insulate the top of it better, since heat rises. We'll see how it goes!

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