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As far as the person with the mean roo--sorry I am not sure who the OP is...

There are WAY too many NICE roos that are killed just for being roos...

Personally, I would kill the mean one and I would NOT pawn him off on someone else or breed him!

I have found through years of breeding chickens that temperament IS in fact genetic! Mean roos (or hens) will produce mean birds. If it's a one-of-kind roo or so very expensive or the ONLY one you have, I'd risk breeding it IF you have no other option(s). Then once you have a few chicks, cull the mean one. You'll get a good idea of the chicks' temperaments fairly quickly and while they're growing up, you could look for more lines to add to your flock.

An example of that are the Breda Fowl I have. NASTY, NASTY, NASTY. VERY flighty hens, VERY aggressive roos. Every one of them. They're not old enough to breed yet but once they do, the oldest roos will be culled and I'll hope the next generation(s) have better dispositions. I can deal with flighty because most of the time, they will eventually settle down. A mean roo is not so easily tamed.

If you need a roo that can be around children or anyone--send me a PM. I have several that I'd GIVE you!! Bantams & LF. I don't keep or breed anything mean at all. It's a waste of time, space, money and feed. It costs just as much to feed a nice rooster as it does a mean one...and with feed prices soaring and without an increase in income, it just doesn't make sense to feed/breed mean ones. :)

Just remember this:

Ninja Roos make good STEW!!!
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Well, I have a very nice pair of GLC's that need a good home. I am just getting completely out of single-combed birds. They just don't do very well here in the winters and since I show, I'm concerned about looks and I can't show birds with frozen off combs without losing points. LOL Anyway, good luck on those coops...I've found it's easier to beg for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.

Your GLC's are beautiful. I would snatch them up in a heart beat if I had a place to put them!
Very pretty dogs! We have a Pomeranian mix, with Sheltie, Pekingese, I can't recall what else. He looks like a little fox. He is the least favorite of my dogs because I'm not fond of the little emperor personality, the yapping he is prone to do on occasion and his delicate ways that make him not want to go outside to go potty on rainy days.

However. He is a great lap warmer, a good "watchdog" who does his darnedest to keep all squirrels out of the yard and has been DH's constant and loyal companion for the past 12 years. He adores DH and looks to him like he's king of the universe. I suppose that's just about one of the most important jobs in the world and he does it well.

I have seen Poms like that ( little emperor). None of my guys have that, which I am glad of. I also came from Mals and can't handle the yapping of toy (some) dogs. I have found a spray bottle works wonders with that. All I do is pick it up and there is silence. Barking for a reason, okay, barking to bark.. nope!!

Sheila :)
I have had a heck of a weekend!

Poor Cash found a rattlesnake....

Here he was last night...took him to the vet this morning....

Eye Shaved & ready

Waiting for the Valium to kick in...you can see marks that look like fangs here..
Knocked out, draining fluid. The bloody area is from the vet draining pus out. The dark circle below is necrotic tissue.

Knocked out at the vet's office. Lanced, drained & packed with antibiotics.

Back home, still really drugged up...

Poor Cash, with drool strings...

I had to lift a 95lb, drooling, bleeding, pus-filled, drugged/dead-weight dog out of the truck bed. :) I couldn't carry him into the house, so for now, he's resting on his old sleeping bag in the shade with some water. He's still really out of it. But $235 later, he's still alive. Now he's on Predisone and Cephalexin.
The vet said he'll be okay...and thankfully, he's a BIG, tough dog. A smaller dog or a cat wouldn't have been as "lucky."
Wow, poor guy! I'm glad he's going to be okay. Dogs are pretty darned tough. Well, other people's dogs, lol. I'm on my third greyhound, and they're made out of glass.

Best wishes for a quick recovery, Cash!

Just popping in real quick...

Heather, sorry about Cash, and hope he recovers well and quickly.

Shyla, everyone's already said why a mean roo isn't worth keeping, and I'm sure we could help you find a nice Silkie cockerel.

Love all the pictures of chickens and eggs! The little golf ball eggs are so funny.
About the pullet that hurt my son: something went wrong with her for a few weeks; she kept lashing out at my own kids and the neighbor kids when they would hold her so I just had everyone completely stop handling her. Nobody is allowed to handle her except me and she's distant, but sweet once I catch her and hold her. I think something spooked her when all the kids were around and just freaked her out. I'm glad we still have her and the kids just know not to pick her up; there's been no more incidents in 12 weeks. Nobody is afraid of her and I really don't think she will attack again :) I was a newbie still when it happened and I know if a bird did that now she'd be toast.
OHHHH....that makes sense....not sure....but I highly doubt we have anything like that around here. He's really smart and probably won't mess with any snake again....I hope....

If you decide that you would like to try the training, I can ask some friends of mine and probably track someone down. I remember someone posting a link to a guy who does it on the herpetological society's Facebook page, but I don't remember where he was based. I don't think that's anything you'd want an amateur to handle!

Did I mention it's our anniversary today? Fun times! Vaca with the whole family in Idaho and since we let the kids nap they're STILL up! Grr
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