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I don't have much time these days so I'll just post this even tho it might have been said before. And since I don't have much time this will be my only post on this. PM me if you want me to respond..........................

Thank you for taking, a lot, of time to write this.  The link, on documenting, is facinating and I am going to read more of it.

Sheila :)

If your looking for good information on anything that is "old" (by old I mean something that was done 100 years ago just like today)

visit http://www.archive.org

Do a search on poultry in the text section and you will get a ton of stuff to sift through. Just like any library you will have to look through 10 books or more to find what you are looking for but it is there if you can take the time to search.

breed standards
poultry housing
small farm stuff
preserving foods
digging and making cellars
etc etc etc

you get the idea :)
At risk of being charged with double posting.....
Does anyone know a poultry term for the term RUNT? Runt refers to multiple births, litters.

Somebody mentioned, CRETAN?
Okay, have not been on in ages, busy summer...Are they seriously "CHARGING" us with double posting?

How does a person learn if they don't ask?

A person can just skip over that part of the thread, why is this a problem. I hope you/others have not had issues with this. WOW!!!! Really?

Well, I guess I better fess up now....I will likely double post. I have lots of questions and catching up to do.
Yesterday the neighbor boy came over and asked about the roosters......because he likes them YAY! I was wondering how they felt, most of the cul-de-sac works in aerospace, and get up early. I gave him eggs to give to his grandma, and she sent over blackberry freezer jam.

I heard of a study going on that is trying to prove that chickens behavior is effected by smell. Soon we will know for sure if a chicken bites you because it thinks you stink!

Don't get next to the rooster if you're wearing Old Spice.
Absolutely gorgeous. We had 3 "pet" quality poms. Loved everyone of them. Just lost the last one (passed away) a few weeks ago. What personality and attitude. Big dogs in a little dog body. You have beautiful dogs.

Are Pomeranians hard to potty train? I know of two that were sadly re-homed due to pee problems.

When I took in my pug, she was a package deal with a Pom. He spend the night, in transit to his new home, and marked everywhere. My close friend had a Pom that would pee on her husband. Yep, he would lay on the floor, and get sprayed.
If your looking for good information on anything that is "old" (by old I mean something that was done 100 years ago just like today)
visit http://www.archive.org
Do a search on poultry in the text section and you will get a ton of stuff to sift through. Just like any library you will have to look through 10 books or more to find what you are looking for but it is there if you can take the time to search.
breed standards
poultry housing
small farm stuff
preserving foods
digging and making cellars
etc etc etc
you get the idea

Yes, I do like reading historical documents. Most really show how much as changed- especially grammer. I have read first edition Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen. I found that it is not just the grammer, that has changed so much, but also the punctuation.

For a while, the punctuation would stop me (like a bump in the road) but eventually I got used to it. I was just so surprised at such a language shift in only a hundred + years. I found it facinating though.

Sheila :)
Okay, we're ready! We've settled on breeding stock (pics on our coop page), and, by early next year, we'll have all breeds laying.

100% English Orpingtons (b/b/s LF and chocolate bantam) -- Olandsk Dwarfs -- Icelandics (second generation from two lines directly imported)

We're starting waiting lists for hatching eggs and chicks!

Any ideas on how best to market? Anyone selling hatching eggs and chicks under a small business with advice?
Hello everyone! Here are some pictures I wanted to share from the weekend!

Heidi - our Appenzeller Spitzhauben from Hallerlake at 10 weeks - a tiny little girl!

One of the Brabanter girls at four months.

Bantam girls at 12 weeks - Princess Buttercup and Frodo

Mixed flock!

Heidi next to another chick her age - this is a little cockerel EE - both 10 weeks.

Juno - our Giant Jersey and the flock leader.

Princess Buttercup

Thanks for looking!
Hi all, just a drive by posting.

Anyone get frost yet? We had our first frost Friday Aug 24th.
Luckily I saw it on the weather report and was able to get my garden covered.
Yesterday we had our first picking.
1 patty pan squash, 5 baby beets and 6 cherry tomatoes. I don't know why I bother with a garden. LOL
How refreshing to see pom poms around that look like they are supposed to! I completely believe your girl runs the roost! They are spunky critters who don't know their size!! My favorite color is wolf sable. I consider myself a "big dog" person but I LOVE these little guys!!

Absolutely gorgeous. We had 3 "pet" quality poms. Loved everyone of them. Just lost the last one (passed away) a few weeks ago. What personality and attitude. Big dogs in a little dog body. You have beautiful dogs.

Thank you both and I am sorry for your loss! It is never easy :(

It was a transition, going from big dogs to toy dogs. I had Sibs and Alaskan Malamutes since 1979 but can no longer keep them.

I have a degenerative spinal condition (11 surgical procedures) and could no longer show my dogs and even bathe them (had to take to the vet for that). (not looking for sympathy, I got used to it a long time ago but it bears greatly on my 'story')

Before every surgery, the surgeon asks you "if we could make you 100%, what would you like to do?". My response was always the same; "show my dogs". They would then ask, "What kind?", my response "Alaskan Malamutes". They would then- always respond- 'well we can't do that'.

Then one surgeon said "Why don't you just down-size?" No one had ever said that and it startled me. My whole life I have had big dogs and Mals were my "Breed".

After a while, I started to really consider it and began researching on a dog that I could still show. It would have to be a Breed that was small, as I walk with a cane (on good days). I am a Northern Breed person, so settled on Poms.

Then came finding a breeder and I can tell you that was the hardest part. I spent a year trying to find someone who would sell me a Pom when I had Mals.

I finally found two in Canada. One in New Brunswick and the other in Newfoundland. Two of my girls, Kaitlyn & Brianna are from there.

I learned, from having Mals, to allow the pack to 'shake out' on it's own. You have much less issues if the pack is maintained by the Alpha pair- which, with my pack, is Kaitlyn and Sampson. They may be small, but they still maintain that from their wolf heritage.

I still miss my big dogs but I found a Breed that I can still do what I love; showing.

Sheila :)
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