water additive for mites?


10 Years
May 9, 2014
Upper Peninsula of MI
I haven't found an answer anywhere. Sorry if this is the wrong forum. Is there any medication that can be added to water to kill mites sold in the US? Everything I found is not shipped to the US. I've tried every other thing, dust, drops, etc. I need something effective. I'm disabled and cannot keep dusting birds, cleaning the coops. The ivermectin and eprinex have not gotten rid of them. Thanks.
There is nothing we can add to water to cure a mite infestation.

The number one product used by chicken owners is Permethrin dust or spray/garden dust or spray. That is used on the coop and the birds. It should be repeated in 10 days.

Good luck!
I've had luck with Exzolt and S76. You can by Exzolt at https://pestiless.com/product/exzolt-50-ml-fluralaner/
It's not cheap, but it goes a ways.
I buy S76 from https://ladygouldian.com/S76-air-sac-mite-treatment
Not really cheap either, if you dose 3 days one week-2 day the second week-1 day the 3rd week.
I also have 26 large chooks.
Though these were just tools in my toolbox. I had to scrub and clean the enclosure and coop every week for months and months before I won. To the extent of spraying rafters with diesel fuel, you name we did it. Even now I think I might be fighting them a bit, but I have a handle on what to do and execute quickly. I've had A LOT OF LUCK using First Saturday Lime with Neem POWDER and Captain Jack's Dead Bug (Spinosad) dust in their dust bath. It's my rooster, who just is a fricking magnet and does not dust bath as he should, lol. There are wild turkeys, geese, etc on our property constantly, so I guess it's just part of it. They free range. They snuck up on me last year and beforre I knew wth was gong on, I was infested. You can read some of my old posts. I thought going to have to "nuc" my house, my property, my animals and myself!
Disclosure... I did not have red mites. I do know I had, probably still have some NFM and I'm positive I had a depluming mite that burrowed, which is why the S76 really helped hit this from multiple fronts. My birds are very healthy and happy. I didn't lose any of them, though I think I was close.
I found the dust is the most effective, but requires dusting every 60 hours. 2.5 days. We're on day 12 and I still have NFM on some birds. According to the farm suppliers in the area, it's really bad this year (probably because we never got below freezing for more than a few days) and everyone has sold out of the dust.
mites are a fact of life in the summer .. ive found it very effective to just treat the coop, thats where theyre breeding, and that will keep them to a controlled level on the birds .. you 'have to' use something that actually works though .. 'home remedy' type stuff or off the shelf isnt going to cut it .. bifen works well, controls flies and skeeters to ..

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