weird regional words...

The second two are used in CT too. But we have final /r/ sounds. Unless you live near Norwich, then they kinda get lost.....
I work with a woman from RI. When she tells her students the "bubblah" is down the hall to their right they look at her kind of wonky until I translate.
Oh Kay - Not sure where I got this, but I always say hand creme and my friends look at me like I'm crazy - they say hand lotion.
mom'sfolly :

In Minnesota people say "I'm going to the mall, you want to go with". It used to drive me crazy.

I never say this!
My mom beat it out of me when I was a kid. LOL
She also stopped me from saying anyways. As in "So anyways, he said....." She said, "It's anyway. There is only one way!"​
Sure never thought that I imagined ordering a second one because the first tasted so good. Don't know how you could possibly has anything better than one with shrimp or oysters.
We also say WICKED AWESOME or just plain AWESOME a lot.
I don't know why, we just always have. It is such a habit, I don't even know I do it most of the time. People from other places just think it's weird.

Wicked pissa is big here in Eastern MA, especially up around Boston. Wicked is an emphasis word, it works with lots of other words.

We go to the packie to buy beer or booze.

There are more, they'll come to me!

LOL, there are entire web sites devoted to translating RI and Massachusettsisms. A radio station out of Providence did a morning spot called, "How to talk wicked good like a Rhode Islandah" One I remember was "pea-uhst eahs" or pierced ears. One word... For that matter Rhode Island is one word.
i don't like seafood so pass......yeah one with turkey , hellmans mayo ,lettuce, american cheese, a coke and bag of utz potato chips! or even better rosenburgs ice tea

Yeah, i miss philly! You can take the girl out of philly but you cant take philly out the girl!!!!
there are so many words here supposedly from areas that I've lived in or been around a lot that I have NEVER heard....or at least never heard spoken in those areas........ lol

All my friends from the Chicagoland area say "pop" ....when I took a couple of them to NYC for a spring break vacation one of them asked a waitress what kinds of pop they had.......the waitress gave her this look of "what the h*** are you talking about????" I had to clarify through my laughter that she wanted to know what kind of soda they had... Now...I don't use the word pop...never have, never will.....but how could you not know what it means???...especially if you work in a restaurant off Times Square in NYC?! that bugs the living daylights out of me is that my husband never "saw" and thing..... he "saur" it......
stupid Long Islanders and thier added "r"s.......
I just got done talking to a friend and one that always annoys me is "Brang", I hate the word but have found myself saying it. In a sentence it would be:

Friend coming over for the night- "I brang some soda"

Me- "Its not brang, its brought darnit!"
In the resturant biz, when you are so busy you don't know what to take care of first, you are "in the weeds," or "weeded."

In Cali, when a situation is all messed up, my friend says that it's "sideways." I call it "askew."

A DJ friend in Columbus Ohio coined the term "jenky," because he couldn't find another to describe how remixed music gets corrupted in quality, the beats don't match up, or the finished project ends up worse than the original. Contrast that with "wonky," where it was not quite right to begin with.

And it's not pop, soda, tonic, or coke. It's a frosty beverage, which can contain alcohol or not.
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