Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Tell me about it.
Preach pond!! :bow

Oldest just text and asked if we could put a couple hundred in her account cause her car is acting up.
Her car is newer than anything we own.
They just got a 5,000 dollar tax return. WHAT THE! :he
Because inconvenience and belt tightening budget restraints is something for YOU to do.... not them. :old
Tell me about it.
Preach pond!! :bow

Oldest just text and asked if we could put a couple hundred in her account cause her car is acting up.
Her car is newer than anything we own.
They just got a 5,000 dollar tax return. WHAT THE! :he

:eek:What the heck could they have blown 5 grand on already??? :th

Al, Shaw … Just say no. :hugs
Congrats @WVduckchick Nonna!! Thats great to hear! My Mom is "Nonny" to all of her grandbabies.

Egg question, still waiting on all of my hens to start laying. Yesterday we got an egg that is very much lighter brown than any we've gotten before, its almost white. All other eggs have been a pretty dark brown to this point. Do shell colors change or can I assume that another one started laying?
probably another.... you can tell which chicken by egg color often times.

This guy was in my yard this morning:


I didn't have my good lens on my camera, just my 200 mm, which is good for getting pictures of chickens across a run, not so great for wildlife shots at a distance, lol.

I like these guys. A huge flock of them lives in some big trees behind a neighbor's house. This is at the house in town, not my place in the country.

The neighbor's cat was out there too. Bird didn't care a lick. In fact he postured at the cat and kept moving toward him until the cat gave up and took off.


What IS that?

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