Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

“Just” a minute? :thThat’s a long one. Must’ve felt like forever.
Isn't that interesting? How at times "forever" can be 30 seconds?

I am a firm believer that time is not linear. It is like a river... sometimes slow, sometimes fast, and sometimes it swirls around like a flushing toilet bowl. :old
Isn't that interesting? How at times "forever" can be 30 seconds?

I am a firm believer that time is not linear. It is like a river... sometimes slow, sometimes fast, and sometimes it swirls around like a flushing toilet bowl. :old
The ‘94 Northridge earthquake was probably about 30 seconds. It legit felt like 5 minutes. Crazy how that happens.
The ‘94 Northridge earthquake was probably about 30 seconds. It legit felt like 5 minutes. Crazy how that happens.
I just looked it up. They say 10-20 seconds (lies, I tell you, lies😜)

I never believed their magnitude readings for that one either. Pretty sure if they said how big that one really was it would’ve bankrupted the city.
Son and DIL got their garden planted on Tuesday. This morning it hailed.
Crazy weather your way! Sioux Falls son texted from his apartment stairwell yesterday, where they were all hunkered down during a tornado warning!
Yep... once they start... important to eat them before they teach the rest of the flock.
Yep. Sadly, but yep.
We have lots... all the time..

Here is the US page that logs all the earthquakes.

Glad all is okay there!
When we lived in Eureka CA, it felt like there were always times when the water in the glass was sloshing. Inland we have far fewer, but they're more jarring than rolling.
Crazy weather your way! Sioux Falls son texted from his apartment stairwell yesterday, where they were all hunkered down during a tornado warning!
It was terrible! Thisvis what it looked like rolling in…..


My sister and brother own a farm between Canistota and Salem. They have extensive damage out at their place - my brother’s truck was pushed about 75 feet from where it was parked, then a loafing shed was torn from the ground and totaled the truck when it landed on it. They lost two outbuildings completely, trees are uprooted, fencing blown over, roof gone off the barn….it’s a huge mess.
We haven’t planted a thing yet, Cynthia. We’re having an automatic sprinkler system installed, and included in the system is drip irrigation for the flower beds. I’m getting antsy - it’s almost hummingbird time and I have nothing for them. I only plant things that attract hummers. So I think for awhile I’m going to be relying on flowers in containers, hanging baskets and of course my feeders.
I put my feeder up. My daughter has been seeing them..I've just heard them buzz around. And, I want a drip system! In my flower bed.
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