Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Nothing wrong with having a little tinkle here and there - we've all done it

I admit nothing of the sort.
I'm gonna move to 'em soon - but actually a commode would me more fun - especially when we have company :D
I guess the adult diapers would be beneficial on those Gordon days when you can't find the commode... I'm sure your company would appreciate either!

Oooh, I found a new summer drink (new to me, anyway) -- Capt Morgans long island ice tea. Its yum-dilly-icious!
Yeah, I agree.

That drink sounds a bit too civilised for my liking - can't be drinking that at your camp - just not right. Well, only assuming DH isn't drinking Campari n soda I guess :)
Can't say that I've ever tried Campari, CT, and I can guarantee DH never has!
He sticks to beer and the standards. He never even had a G&T prior to meeting me.

Don't bother - its nasty stuff! DH only had a G&T for the first time after he met you - poor man! Where did you find him - in a cave up in the mountains, or a disused coal mine?

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