Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Excuse the mess but 15 little boogers put off alot of fluff while drying! :D

One left pipped in the Bator. :fl Not bad from 19 locked down.


Wish someone would drop off a load of lumber at my house!

Things go crazy around here with spring planting. All the garden centers are packed! So different from So Cal where you can plant year-round. Finally getting used to having seasons, but if you don't get stuff while it's in stock, you missed it.
so true ....Same with fishing stuff here I went to Gander Mountain to get supplies for steelhead fishing. They were sold out of everything.
Wood is here and stacked.
Race coverage had started.... Baseball coverage is starting.... Hmmmmm I wish one of them could be done in the winter.
So little spare time now.
Wife is back to normal..... :/....... :)

Weird how a little warm and sin (sun but the phone put sin and I felt it was proper) can do wonders.
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And now the little slow poke pipper is zipping! :ya

I'm watching, in case it doesn't rip the membrane well, and I have to help (3 or 4 already did, and I lost another one because of it) but it's looking good by itself!

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