Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

It was good to get out. I wish I could have had a little time to hike around, but maybe next time.

At least you stopped for pictures .
At least you stopped for pictures .:thumbsup

I walked down a little trail to stretch my legs and look around when I got to the top. This cold and driving a desk for work has taken a hit on my conditioning! That plus the elevation gain had me winded.

Down low things are drying out fast, but up top it's still nice and green, with the last of the snow still melting. I love the high alpine country above the tree line.
That's good I almost wrecked yesterday on the interstate . And the day before on highway 12 going to Charlotte in heavy down pours :/  raining so hard couldn't see .And the storm followed me home . In the past two days we had four inch's . I've had enough . Off to bed :frow

Be careful... G'Night...
Just processed 3 cockerels and then found a snake as I was putting things away. Almost stepped on it, and if course, I'm wearing flip flops. Had to figure out how to keep it from going into the warehouse and then decide if I should kill it or not. Luckily there was a trenching shovel nearby so I prodded it back out the door. I'm thinking triangle head, coiling and striking, maybe it's a baby rattler. But it had a funny nose and no rattles, and I'm a pacifist at heart (coming from a long line of Quakers) so I scooped it up with the shovel and flicked it into the neighbor's field.

Google told me it was a Western Hognosed snake, so I'm glad I didn't kill it.

Now I need to get some real work done!



Quaker?.....can i get one of those funny hats?
This place makes it impossible to NOT want some of every breed.  Then to have such good friends with almost every breed imaginable, its a rough decision. 

We like spreading the good genes around. :gig  

Instead of keeping them in the family? :lau
Few can survive the mighty beaver challenge...

Indeed, beavers are the downfall of many good "beings"

Nothing mightier

As a young man, I fought the beaver, and the beaver won.  I have withdrawn from the challenge.  :old

Very wise, Sour

'Wessie' the Presumpscot River python in Westbrook Maine has not been seen since it was observed eating a beaver by two police officers.  The moral to the story - Pythons should beware of beavers.

Never say never...

And cops should not be looking for beavers whilst on duty....
Vacation day for me, too Deb! Pedicure is a great idea! :ya

Wow all this talk about beavers.....did you all know they are really good to eat?.......:)

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