Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

A friend... suuuuure... which one, majormagic or Pea Dawg??? :lau :lau

Got the new AC run up today!

I planned it out perfectly to use the 100' roll of welded wire I had. And then at one point, after getting all the posts driven, I looked at it, thought that it could be bigger, and ran it out ten more feet. So then as I was attaching the wire, I got to the end of the roll before I got to the end of my posts. Took me a while of wondering what the heck was going on to figure it out :rolleyes: Luckily I had enough scraps of welded wire around to finish it up.

Still needs a gate, but the bugs were eating me alive so I'm saving that for Tuesday, and then I'll move the coop over Saturday.


Oh, and guess what showed up as soon as it heard the feed hit the feeder?


Along with their whole flock of ducks, ducklings in tow. Poor things must not really get fed.
looks great, and that pig looks yummy!

Blink Blink.... blink.... :frow morning Pondies...
Up late new pendant and new type of stone... Started out very well. Found out the stone scratches...DANG

Came away with some new techniques though. I will share after I wake up and get breakfast made for grandma.

We ain't graded on grammar is we ?????????
maybe we should be

So does anyone else see something and automatically think "how can i adapt that for my chickens?" I sure do. :p

So I got this email from Rural King, they have a smoker on clearance. $189 shipped! Nice glass door, shelves, water tray, digital, even hook it to wi-fi and monitor temps from anywhere!
Yep, I'm thinking why could it not be used as an incubator/hatcher?
yes!! and that looks like it would make an awesome incubator lol

Jade I though but in a matrix of another stone... I need to talk to my Stone guy. the bead reamer made short work of opening the hole in the middle. So ...

here is a quick pix or two

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Oh mann I locked up the down loader... dragged and dropped a video by mistake. going to post this and reload my browser....

looks great!!

Hurry! Lol I like to rearrange the furniture when the hubby is away lol Or do little home improvement jobs he would never let me do by myself if he were home.
He used to be surprised by this . . now he is used to it and just says. . don't burn the house down while I'm gone.
my husband would freak out if i rearranged anything! and he wont let me near the tools :oops:
We just ordered a plasma cutter. :ya
Fun!!! i want one!! my neighbor has one and he does some pretty awsome stuff with it!

So apparently my ducks all got together and had a chat and decided that they would prefer to be fed their evening meal at 6pm instead of 7pm . . they have made this known to me by their protest beginning about 5:30 pm and gaining volume until I comply for the last three evenings.
you are very trainable

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This is the coat rack I made. My wife doesn't care for it, so it's normally in the garage. I still haven't hung it up since moving in.
thats awesome!!

I'm Italian, so there's lots of winemaking gone on in my family history. I just never cared much for it, or really any wines. I'm a beer lover, and huge diet coke-aholic, but have cut way back on it. Now i just drink too much coffee. :(
thats unfortunate a good wine is amazing, and i love beer and many other things too

I'm not touching that one...
lol, smart man

I am also a Capricorn :wee
my daughter is a capricorn

Thought pertnear cleaned the filter!:eek:
i thought Dan wanted to be the pool boy?

I made it back from the shopping trip, unloaded some of the stuff. Now I need every extension cord we own to cut these boards. First I am going to relax a few minutes and hydrate. Husband made it to Nova Scotia without problems besides traffic congestion in New England. :woot
what route did he take through NE? up the coast?

I've been elevated to supervisor. It appears the main drain is clogged and I have been trying to con er uh convince someone to don a snorkel and go down and unstop it . I even offered a weeks all expense paid stay on the Lilly pad next to Sir Hour's but still no takers.:confused:

Had to watch the video again..... :drool

And my loft is SO MUCH higher. Even standing on the bed of the flatbed truck, you have to chunk the bale with great force to get it to reach the loft floor.
:hugs we are picking up hay tomorrow but the guy we hay for wont let us take out the elevator unless we are filling the 3rd floor/loft, says its too much work to get out
(he hasnt filled the 3rd floor loft in over 10 years-hes very lazy)

Wouldn't work - I got a nose like one of Sour's hounds, when it comes to pork pies :D

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So one of my hens had a hatch of ducklings yesterday.......
:love awwwwww

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Another one had 6 chicks
:love awwwwww

Height check. How tall are ya'll? I'm 5'4".
I'm 5' 2.5"

So I'm the shortest so far, 5'2-1/2" (gotta add that half inch!)
YES!!!!!!! :highfive:

I think that's a great idea! Some new recipes for my kitchen would be great!
I do seem to have to tweak recipes a bit tho, I cook on an old wood burning kitchen stove.
thats awesome!! when i get my new(old 1840s) house i am getting one! my friend is holding onto it for me, its the tan/green enamel and works beautifully

My MIL is 5'0", poor woman. Small but mighty.
lol, my grandmother-in-law is barely 4'10", and might be less now

Now, you KNOW I am shorter than you!! :plbb
Was 5'2", probably 5'1" now with the disc issues... :/

Y'all are not short! :p And K is tall, lol...
:hugs and :pop how tall is K, he never did answer

I am tall, how 186 cm translated by your funny method of feet and intc.
thats shorter than chaos

At least with my azz closer to the ground it doesn't hurt as much when I fall! :lau

:lau :lau

Friday is the best sniper... always envision those women as super tiny and short... ;)

Hello, Pond People!
So, I called my mom on Sunday to ask if the broody I set before I left had hatched. She said, "Well, she was off the nest for a bit and I didn't see any chicks, but there were three eggs left." Then she went on to tell me that apparently sometime on Saturday while everyone was in town for Grandma's party, something must have gotten a bunch of my chickens. When I left on July 5, I had a rooster and 8 hens sleeping in each of my 2 coops, along with 11 juveniles that my broodies had hatched (they free range during the day, get locked in coops with attached runs at night.) Saturday night when she went to lock them up, there was a rooster and "maybe two or three hens" in each coop and 4 juveniles. There wasn't even a feather on the ground. We do have a dog that has killed and hidden chickens in the past, but only one here and there. My other thought would be coyotes. But I would think the dog would have heard a commotion and stopped the attack. He's very territorial. I told her to lock them up for a few days and hopefully whatever got them would move on (unless it was the dog). I guess if I don't have any left when I get home, I start over in the spring...
so sorry to hear this :hugs hope you are enjoying the rest of your time there!
Very welcome! We're a help each other type of group... just how we are made... :D
so very true!!

I know I'm starting to lose feeling in my toes....
thats no good phil, have you told your doc??

Am I allowed to go play with her?
lol, its your funeral

The 'muck' is my friend.

I just received 14 beautiful, intact brahma eggs :wee
awesome!!! congrasts!!

Old and hot

I went to a state park in Ohio once where they are known for their hundreds of hummingbirds. They give out little feeders and everyone sits around and the hummingbirds come an feed from everyone's hands. It was a very cool experience. Took all day, but they finally came to me. Some dude got a pic of me feeding one.
:love thats awesome!!!!!

Do you guys know how many exfoliated duck penises are at the bottom of the pond? Believe me that drain is NEVER getting cleaned out! Did you know that duck penises usually fall off in the water, which is why most people don't know its a 'real' thing? The flow of the water just whisks them right off & the nutrients in the mud help them grow back SO fast, that usually people don't even know they were missing. Instead of chopping one off, which can be very traumatic to the dear boy, you should always just trap your drake in the pond & wait till nature takes its course. Sometimes one can detach while a hen is being mounted. When this happens, the duck penis actually gets permanently stuck inside the hen & that hen will then become a drake. Her new duck parts will also fall off when she's in the water. Depending on how long she stays in there exposed to the mud will depend on whether a new one grows back & she stays a drake or whether she gets out before the new one grows & transforms back into a hen. This is all total fact, I know, because I just made it up & its now on the internet so therefore, proven true. I'm seriously considering writing an article on this previously unknown duck phenomena & hope you guys will back me with lots of stars. :p;):D

I know....I can do the alphabet backwards..... No problem.... But my balance sucks. And I can't walk a straight line for chit.
same here, but i cant say my alphabet backwards

Yep, the 'Gowags' won and our boys are not in the semi finals On a pool basis we actually did better than them. Both teams are 3 wins and 1 loss. Our boys scored 31 runs and had 13 scored against them. Their boys scored 26 runs and had 15 scored against them. But, and it's a BIG but they beat us head to head so they deserve to be in the semi finals. They are a good team and conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. I begrudge them nothing.
sorry your GSs team didnt make it but it does sound like both have some great kids and coaches leading them

What's a bone idle ? I've never heard that term. :old
who wants an idle bone?

Yep, they cut that out years ago here. My kids are homeschooled & I teach them cursive. They can write it fine, but have a hard time reading it probably because everybodys penmanship is so different. Can you imagine an entire generation of kids who cant read the Constitution in its original form... That's a little scary!!!
never thought about it like that, but i have always planned on teaching my daughter cursive

Sad story - we had an 18 year old hired to work in the Distribution Center at my work recently. It has been found that he is nearly illiterate. He had a hard time reading his paperwork at his interview, even asked the interviewer to read it to him (she declined). Now, he can't really do his job because large parts of it require reading to know where things go, etc.

It's so very sad. How did he graduate like that? How did the school let it happen? How did his parents let it happen?
that is very sad

Quiet day on the Pond. I had a work day from hell. :(

I have an off-topic question. I need to add some stuff to my pen floors. Most of them are ok, but a couple are hard as bricks, or when they get wet, it's worse. We've had so much rain lately. I usually add some leaves or yard clippings, but again, the rain has kept me from that.

I do have a sawmill nearby that will give me free shavings, but i don't know how big/small it is. He just told me to help myself, but i didn't really look at it.

So what do you all use? Blocks of pine shavings are fine for inside, but would be rather expensive to toss all over the ground.
:hugs sorry your day was so horrible
i have a greavel floor then shavings on top, when i rake/shove the shavings out i put pelletized lime down to help with the smell and neutralize the ammonia, i also put it in my horses stall and in my compost/manure heap
we also have a lot of pine trees and very acidic soil so it helps a lot

I've used clippings in the past. My run is staring to stink and my sprinklers hit it. I think I'm going to get some shavings and try that. I need to do something to control the smell a bit.

I'm scared of lime. How much do you use?
probably more than i should, never thought about it being harmful, it is a naturally occuring rock so :confused:

I had to skip a couple hundred pages...I kept getting security errors and could not get to content. Finally though back in.

Introducing our yet unnamed puppy who came home today:
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Oh, and this afternoon DH spotted a mink or weasel burrow under the coop, and the offender zipping around between and under the coops. It went through wire fence like it wasn't even there.
adorable!!!! good luck with the weasel!!

Ok...informal poll...

Catwoman, the move with Halle Berry:

1.worst super hero movie ever

2. Worth a watch

3. Great movie
i liked it way better and hallie berry is awesome in it
so did you watch it??

I can relate. This was our backyard in early May.
and the ducks loved it

They sent him home so ....I guess he's alright .... Good thing he works for the hospital....I wonder how it is for the nurses who have to take care of him..... Being he's their boss...:confused:
:hugs glad he's ok

granny, of "Granny's gone and done it again" has had a heart attack. Facts are a bit sketchy, but it appears as if she is stabilized. :fl
i saw that, hope we get more updates soon!!

I found a couple of diet sodas I can tolerate.
which ones?

I had a nice 35 mm but they quit making film for it. I took lots of pictures of son #1 , but not so many of son #2. I love taking pictures of old cars and trucks or houses and barns. Wild life too.
i can still get film at my local rite aid for my 35, i love old cars/trucks/barns and stone walls

That stuff will kill you. Nasty chemicals.
its inevitable we're all going someday

Funny men think this, when it's the women who are always right.:lau
we let them think they are right ;)

:love :love

I thought they called female ducks Susies?
never heard that one

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