We're doing the egg song all wrong

I have two girls, both a year old. The RIR never sings an egg song, just goes into her egg box and takes care of business (she's kind of a slow layer, so sometimes she chills out for an hour or two). The problem is her sister, a Barred Rock. While she rarely sings an egg song for herself - over the last month or so, she has taken to singing almost the entire time the RIR is in the egg box.

This can sometimes be solved by going out to talk to her or releasing her from the run to free range (we usually give them about half the day), but sometimes it's just straight screaming for an hour.

The BR in general is a bossy, protective girl. The RIR got attacked by a hawk in January (some lost feathers, followed by a molt), and had one day recently where she was a little egg bound and feeling crummy (we solved it with a calcium pill). On the latter occasion, I'd swear the BR was trying to tell me the RIR was feeling poorly. I came out because she was making such a fuss and saw that the RIR needed some attention. The BR will also stand guard while the RIR naps, etc. She's basically a rooster who lays eggs (except she never shares bugs or treats. Never.).

But her affection for the RIR seems to have translated into her letting EVERYONE KNOW THE RIR IS LAYING AN EGG every day. I've started looking forward to the days the RIR takes her day off so that we don't have to manage the other bird.

It just occurred to me that it could be a nest issue. We have two - the RIR has always used the one on the left. The BR used to use the one on the right, and now likes to use the left one, too. But that started much before this egg song thing. And they aren't on the same cycle, so I don't think it's ever been an issue of her needing to get in there. (And it's not even her box!)

Any ideas? She didn't used to do this. And I feel like I'm reinforcing the behavior by either giving her extra attention, food or letting her free range. But I also have started to grind my teeth when I hear the put-put-put-puts start from the run.
My chickens sometimes break out into a cacophony around egg laying time. My Easter Egger starts it, followed by my Buff Orpington and then my Barred Rock. And that’s BEFORE the EE has even laid an egg. My BR is also one bossy, loud hen. She never shuts up. I‘m leery about ever getting a BR again even though I love the eggs. I like mellow, quiet chickens.
Glad to see so many people experiencing a similar level of BR intensity. (I mean, I guess!)

We tried putting her in the other egg box the other day, but no dice. This doesn't seem to be a lay time crossover thing. (And the BR doesn't seem very possessive of the box, weirdly.) The other day the BR laid about 2p, but we all (and I mean probably my entire neighborhood) got up at 5:45a when she told everyone about the RIR laying.

It's almost like she's got terrible instincts. Spends a hour yelling about how her friend is likely an easy target because she's laying an egg!

And I have to imagine the RIR is annoyed hearing someone yell 5 feet from her while she's trying to do her 'me' time.
Put a few golf balls in the other nest, it'll make it super appealing 😉
My BRs are screaming banshees that complain about everything. Doesn't matter which box someone is in, they want the that is occupied and they want it NOW!

They said get rocks, they're quiet...
If my BR wants to lay, she'll get out of her laying box and go bother all the other girls in laying boxes even if it's not the one she's in. She won't lay until everyone's out, and after she's done my other girls are scared to go back in :lol:
Put a few golf balls in the other nest, it'll make it super appealing 😉
It has fake (wooden) eggs in it. She used to use it all the time - she's just changed her mind about her preferences, and there is no changing it back.

But also definitely didn't have to lay. She hopped out like, wth are you guys up to? Walked back outside and the putputputputs began. She laid sometime in the afternoon.
Lol, we have 16 and when one lays an egg, several will start their egg songs. The rooster then starts frantically running around bock-bocking and making a racket. This goes on until the afternoon on a daily basis lol. It's just nature, it's nothing they need to be broken from. You are fighting a losing battle.

The biological reason for the egg song is to attract attention away from the eggs to the chicken. So your other chicken is singing an egg song so a predator will look for her instead of going after the eggs. They are trying to protect them.
My BRs are screaming banshees that complain about everything. Doesn't matter which box someone is in, they want the that is occupied and they want it NOW!

They said get rocks, they're quiet...
My rocks are loud and meeeean.... I thought last years Roo was a bossy bird. These girls basically bark, scream, shreek and whale whenever they want something, and bop each other on the head for looking at them wrong.

My no-name white girls just b*tch and complain when they want into their favorite box. They're pretty quite and friendly otherwise though.

I have new neighbors (about 2 archers away from my barn).... they're in for noisy mornings LOL
I remember reading about Roosters announcing egg laying as well, maybe she's taking on the male role now?
If you don't have a rooster one hen will step up to the plate and assume the role of the protector and alert for danger and escort the other hens to the nest boxes.I ordered Dominiques because they're docile and quiet but the hatchery sneaked a few barred rocks in(they didn't have enough to fill the order).Luckily I only kept 6 chicks out of 10 chicks I ordered .I ordered pullets(they got that part right) I gave 4 chicks to a friend after they arrived and 2 ended up being barred rocks . Guess I should count myself lucky I only ended up with one because she is the noisiest hen out of my 6 . When I check on them at night and peek in the window I always let them know its me so they won't be afraid. Guess who will start singing in the middle of the night at the sound of my voice ? She's actually my favorite !LOL
I thought my Wee Silkies would be very quiet but then my Silkie/Cochin started laying - she can scream the barn down! When she first started I thought she was dying or something (being new to chickens....). Her sisters are showing signs of starting to get ready to lay and they too are starting the bwak-bwak-bwak-BWAK, bwak-bwak-bwak-BWAK, bwak-bwak-bwak-BWAK, bwak-bwak-bwak-BWAK, bwak-bwak-bwak-BWAK screaming.... for such tiny wee things they sure can let you know what they are thinking! and it goes on and on..... WOW.....

Of course once that egg is laid she goes back to quietly chirping and clucking to herself doing whatever it is chickens do!

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