What about Bakersfield, CA?


8 Years
Oct 16, 2011
Eatonville, WA
Years ago I lived in Bakersfield. My mom, who still lives in the area, said a while back that Bakersfield was loudly arguing the chicken issue. What was the outcome? I was really surprised that in such a farming-intensive area that there should be any problem at all!!!
They denied us backyard chickens! They said chickens would hurt the already worst in the nation air quality. The answer was a big fat NO.:( :(
No. Science to back up the rejection! It was utter crap! They did not even weigh the options or read the information presented
Its amazing to me how they can get away without even looking at the facts and information provided. It was supposed to be fair options and facts were supposed to have been looked at but that didn't happen
There was even a write up in the paper about how they didn't look at the information provided! No the decision was not based on science or facts. they just did what they wanted to do period.... this is the truth

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