What are the must haves to keep chickens healthy?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 18, 2008
feed, oyster shells, grit, apple vinegar cider in H2O. What else? Especially during winter mths does anything need to be added?
Scratch grains in the winter or cracked corn, helps them keep warm, lots of love of course, a healthy mold free coop with good ventilation, a secure run so they will stay safe from predators. Oyster shells shouldn't be given to them until the hens start laying eggs. I out straw in the run in winter very deep so they can burrow down when it gets cold. Meds are a good thing to have on hand just in case one becomes ill. Bread in moderation, scrambled eggs at least 2 times a week for extra protein (thats a personal choice) Poultry mite dust, i use it as a preventative i dust in the fall and in the spring now because of the bad infestation that happened last winter, along with using food grade DE in the coop and run. One thing that my chickens love is canned fruit cocktail in the winter months, Just a bit and the "lite" version has less sugar.
Not that you HAVE to do any of this but this is just what works best for me
Scratch grains?
I thought straw can harbor mites and other creatures.?
I use DE, I try to keep things as organic as possible so would that be enough- Are mites more prone in winter?

Thanks for responding
Do not add apple cider vinegar to metal waterers.

We've never provided anything accept fresh water daily. We give some scratch grains with their feed all year long (75/25). We use hay, partly because we have access to plenty of it. They eat some it and bed in the rest.

I have started using poultry dust and DE as preventative to mites, etc.
My chickens free range that is why i dust them for mites twice a year, last year they had them real bad and it was 40 below so i couldn't gut the coop like i needed to so this year im making sure i do it right before the cold sets in. Hay and straw are what i use in the winter and dont harbor any more critters than pine shavings would
In the summer i use just plain old pine shavings.
I also mix the scratch in with thier feed same ratio as greyhorse on top of throwing extra scratch in the run in the winter. Everyone is different as far as what they give their chickens for treats ect, this is just what works for me
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meds....just in case....and extra large dog crate in case you have to hospital a hen. and a face mask! DE and dust are not good for my nose! Most of all use a really good feed.
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So scratch grain is mixed in with their feed or is it put in the run for them to work at?
The chickens get organic non medicated feed, and they get to free range. I have a bowl of grit their as well and have some oyster shells but no eggs yet so its in my closet for now.. I use DE in the run and in the coop sometimes I mix it in with their feed a bit.

I've tried dusting them with DE but didn't work so well.. How do you properly dust a chicken with DE?

I use deep litter method with shavings in the coop and the run is dirt.. waters are plastic.

I have a whole bunch of leaves- Can that be used in the run to help them stay warm?
If you use a no-pest strip in your coop (the device should be away from the birds and not over food/water) you can use hay or straw provided it does get wet/moldy. The dichlorovos treats the air for pests at all times. lasts 4 mo.


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