What are you baking now?

Don't you just love All Recipes.com. I have one of their cookbooks and think that another will have to go on my Christmas wish list.

I printed both of these recipes. Might have to make carrot cake without coconut since husband is not a fan of it. But then again maybe make and eat myself

I think this thread will definitely have an effect on my hips!!


I love All Recipes.com I especially like reading the reviews, you can learn a lot from reading other peoples opinions before trying the recipe. Almost always, even the ones with five stars will have comments that are helpful and improve it.
This is one of my favorite blogs on baking: http://www.wildyeastblog.com/

out of one of my favorite bread books, "The Breads of France" by Bernard Clayton Jr.

Basque Pumpkin Bread

1 cup pureed pumpkin
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 cups cornmeal
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs room temp
1 teaspoon rum, optional

make this in a cake pan that is 7in round 4in high or a Charlotte mold. put wax paper on the bottom to keep it from sticking.

Preheat the oven to 375F

Pour pumpkin into med bowl.
Heat milk, butter and sugar in saucepan over low, stirring constantly to soften and melt butter. Pour this into bowl with pumpkin and add cornmeal a little at a time stirring to blend. Add salt.
Separate eggs. Blend yolks into pumpkin mixture. Take the whites and beat until stiff. Fold into batter and add the rum.

Pour into prepared pan

Place into oven on the middle shelf and test to see if it's done in an hour. If the knife comes out clean then you're good. Otherwise test in increments of 10 min.

Allow to cool 20 min before unmolding.

I'd bake one of these dudes to show you, but I had a bunch of dental work done today and so everything is going sideways. Best not to try this until things are going a bit better.
DH said he wanted a sandwich for lunch tomorrow with the roast I smoked yesterday, and since my oven is broken, I got out the old bread machine and put a loaf in tonight. I don't like it compared to oven baked, but its certainly better than nothing.
I baked a stromboli tonight. I made a homemade egg bread dough.

TipsDog - you did not see that! You only think you did!
Oh I have created a MONSTER
I'm going to weight 300# after we get done with this thread. I want the homemade eggnog bread recipe.

I make my own eggnog that is totally adult (tons of booze) and the best ever. Would be great to make it into bread.

Sorry, Sandee, I edited my post to add the recipe that is why you didn't see it. It is Giada's from FoodTV. Love her recipes!

I love Giada too! She is so beautiful and wonderful down to earth person and chef.

Do you make one large log when you make your Biscotti and cut straight across for cookies? The recipe that I used wanted two 12x2 logs and cut on the diagonal - it made for different size cookies and some really small pieces - which of course I had to sample to make sure they tasted good.

When you add the sugar for decorations - how and when do you add to get it to stick? So many questions - sorry.


Sorry, somehow I managed to get on a different thread to add to this one...talk about a duh moment!! I do not add sugar to the outside of my cookies. I bake two logs, slice in even slices and rebake. Then I may dust with powdered sugar when cool or dip in white or dark melted chocolate..but just the end of one side. I will have to make some and post some pics soon. Yes, I have learned so very much from Giada. I make an Italian soup from her basic recipe during the winter. dh and I love it. But that is not for here. LOL
You'll have to practice my secret. I bake a lot for markets and of course cannot afford to eat a bunch of it. I tell myself....

"I can enjoy the smell and don't need anymore than to smell it".

And never forget - "the last bite never tastes any better than the first. So, you only need those two bites - any in between would not improve it."


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