What are you baking now?

Yes, I'm right with you! DD wanted to bake MORE. I've baked now over 30+ Dz biscotti this week and then all our Christmas cookies to boot. Now I have a huge knot in my back and I'm calling it a night here in a few. *Stamp "DONE" on my forehead*
Yes, I'm right with you! DD wanted to bake MORE. I've baked now over 30+ Dz biscotti this week and then all our Christmas cookies to boot. Now I have a huge knot in my back and I'm calling it a night here in a few. *Stamp "DONE" on my forehead*

Hope you enjoy your rest. I asked my DH if it was time for the long winters nap yet!
Me too and having the stomach flu didn't help any.

Not to mention I have all this fruit staring at me in the freezer waiting to be made into jam. I have to get it cleaned out so I have room for other stuff.
I shared this recipe in another thread and wanted to share it here. I didn't get to make these this year, but they are one of my favorites and they make a LOT of cookies to fill bags with.

Moravian Spice Cookies:

This recipe makes an enormous quantity of cookies--up to 8 pounds. Read through all the instructions before attempting it.

1 quart dark molasses (Puerto Rican is preferred)
1 pound light brown sugar
12 oz (3/4 lb) shortening (not butter flavored)
4 oz (1 stick) butter (not margerin YUCK)
About 4 pounds all-purpose flour (as you add flour watch for dryness, I don’t ever use the full 4)
4 tablespoons fresh ground cloves
4 tablespoons fresh cinnamon (heaping tablespoon!)
2 tablespoons fresh ground ginger
3 level tablespoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt

Melt the margarine and shortening together and set aside to cool to lukewarm.

Put the molasses in a very large and heavy smooth-bottomed pot. Stir in the cloves, cinnamon, ginger, and the brown sugar. Turn to medium-high and start stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture is warm, the sugar has dissolved, and all the spices are incorporated, 5 to 10 minutes. Do NOT bring it to a boil.
Put the salt and soda in a cup or small bowl and mix it with about 3 tablespoons flour in a cup. Add that to the molasses mixture. Stir until completely dissolved, mashing any particles of soda against the side of the pot so that every bit is incorporated.
Pour in the cooled margarine and shortening, and beat with a wooden spoon until completely blended. Allow the whole mixture to cool before adding the flour, or the dough will absorb more flour. Add about one-third of the flour mixture and stir well with a wooden spoon. Add the second third of flour and continue to mix. (I just use a kitchen aid mixer until it gets to thick and then I use my hands)

Take the remaining third of flour and sprinkle a work surface thickly with some of it. Scrape all the dough out onto the floured surface, and begin to knead, flouring your hands frequently while you incorporate the remaining flour.

When the dough has become stiff and firm and far less sticky, roll it into a long tube and cut it into eight pieces, which will weigh roughly one pound each. Shape each ball into a disk, slapping the surface with your hands to smooth it (you'll see the shortening rise to the surface, making each disk kind of shiny).
Put four disks of dough in each of two large plastic bags and seal. Allow to sit overnight on the countertop. The dough will swell some and the spice flavors will mellow and blend. DO NOT REFRIDGERATE!

When you're ready to bake, preheat the oven to 250 degrees F. Cover a pastry or rolling board (or a square piece of plywood) with bleached muslin that's been washed several times, tacking it tightly around the edges. Flour the muslin and rub the flour into the cloth to coat it deeply. Roll the cookies as thin as possible, 1/16 to 1/32 of an inch. Cut with any cookie cutter you like, using tiny cutters such as hearts or circles to cut out little cookies in the spaces between larger cookies. (You can also gather the scraps and reroll, but these cookies won't be as tender.)

Lift the cookies onto an ungreased baking sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes. Watch them, and don't let the cookies brown around the edges. Allow to cool on the pan for several minutes before lifting them onto cooling racks. As soon as they're completely cool, pack and store in an airtight container.
bread, bread, and more bread. Seriously in the past 2 days I have baked 12 loaves of bread...

Got to make Crackers sometime before Saturday night

Gotta make some Christmas cookies

made 2 dozen cupcakes last night

and I've got to think of something to take to the County Christmas party tomorrow - thinking about doing something in the crockpot. DH wanted me to make cinnamon rolls, but truthfully I am sick of bread dough! lol thinking about meatballs with my own sauce.
just finished a batch of "Sand Tarts got almost 12 dozen !!!! makes 10 to 13 usually. Yesterday made a batch of Sandies
Still have to make rolls for Christmas, a pie, pea salad .. Trying to decide on cherry or apple pie for Sunday
8 dozen tea cakes...........7 sheets of shortbread.....8 loaves of banana bread........and I am done! well........except of course Christmas dinner......

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