What are you baking now?

I just pulled together a Dolce De Leche Cake with Caramel Buttercream for band practice tomorrow.
I find the guys in the band are more prompt getting to rehearsal when they know cake awaits them.

I know my girls would get to band practice extra early if they knew that was the pay-off. Amazing you don't have every kid in school attending band practice! Oh, and I love the chicken plate -
got my new to me mixer yesterday
so to day so tried making bread in it instead of using the bread maker.
it give me a chance to try out a vid on here hope it works.
I know my girls would get to band practice extra early if they knew that was the pay-off. Amazing you don't have every kid in school attending band practice! Oh, and I love the chicken plate -
Thanks. I love those plates, too. I got them for a friend before I got chickens. She redid her kitchen & gave them back to me.
My band mates are guys. Big, 30-40 year old guys. I play bass & sing in a bluegrass band. Musicians. 30-40 years old, and I still have to bribe them with cake & cookies to get them where they need to be.
(They also think that a noon practice is "early".)

Funny isn't it, bluegrass bands having "practice". I told my Dad about our regular rehearsals & he laughed. He said being a rehearsed bluegrass band used to be an oxymoron.
Thanks. I love those plates, too. I got them for a friend before I got chickens. She redid her kitchen & gave them back to me.
My band mates are guys. Big, 30-40 year old guys. I play bass & sing in a bluegrass band. Musicians. 30-40 years old, and I still have to bribe them with cake & cookies to get them where they need to be.
(They also think that a noon practice is "early".)

Funny isn't it, bluegrass bands having "practice". I told my Dad about our regular rehearsals & he laughed. He said being a rehearsed bluegrass band used to be an oxymoron.

Oops - someone says 'band' and I go straight to my own personal definition
That is so cool that you're in a bluegrass band! And sorry you have to bribe them. When exactly did noon become early?
I made six pound cakes this morning-I have too many eggs!
....The good thing is that I put them in the freezer to use in the trifle I make in the summer using lots of fresh berries. Then I can use more eggs when I make the trifle custard to put it all together.
I've gotten bored with my bread machine so I'm going to try something different.....making artisan bread. I bought a sweet 3.5 qt. round, enameled cast iron dutch oven, I'll dedicate solely to baking the bread in it. Bought all fresh ingredients, found an easy no-knead recipe on the Internet, and studied the process probably a lot more than I needed to. Wish me luck.....

This is my first loaf of making artisan bread, the second loaf is baking in the oven now. Sorry about the crummy picture quality, used my crummy cell phone....

NY style cheesecake! The first of several. What else could I possibly do with the 6 lbs(!!!) of cream cheese my boss gave me

Let's hope to the best, it's only my second try and my first one imploded, but this is a new recipe. I will know in an hour


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