What are you canning now?

Okay you canners, all I can say is
. I spent HOURS in the kitchen today trying my hand at canning tomatoes (well, technically it was supposed to be homemade spaghetti sauce). Washing, coring, blanching, peeling, chopping (including onions and peppers), simmering...what seemed like TONS of tomatoes!!! All for TWO quart and ONE pint jar of sauce?!?!
And that doesn't even count the clean up of all the pots/pans, etc. I don't think I'm cut out for canning.
I don't know how you guys do it...
I just opened this thread for the first time ever because I just ordered a canning book and tons of jars. My first batch Ill try... spaghetti sauce~ you are scaring the bejeesum out of me now:(
I'll go threw two quarts and 1 pint for one nights worth of cooking! Does it really take that long and that much work??
Nooooo!!! Don't let my frustrations take away from your optimism sonew!
I'm not even a 3rd cousin once removed to Betty Crocker, and this was my first time attempt to can anything. I just thought a sink load of tomatoes would go a lot further (and faster) than that...

ETA - on the plus side, blanching and peeling went much easier than I'd anticipated!
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I don't know why it would take that long to do so little? I will do 3-4 batches in a day. Tomatoes (to me) are the easiest things to do. Peeling takes no time (I blanch in my hot water bath so you can get a lot of tomatoes in there at once)- fill the sinks with ice water, peel. Chop/core at the same time, throw in pot with sauce mix, simmer, can. It shouldn't have taken HOURS for 2 1/2 quarts of sauce.
I don't know why it would take that long to do so little? I will do 3-4 batches in a day. Tomatoes (to me) are the easiest things to do. Peeling takes no time (I blanch in my hot water bath so you can get a lot of tomatoes in there at once)- fill the sinks with ice water, peel. Chop/core at the same time, throw in pot with sauce mix, simmer, can. It shouldn't have taken HOURS for 2 1/2 quarts of sauce.

I KNOW!!! In my defense, I did say the blanching & peeling went faster than I'd anticipated... Youtube videos were my only guidance/training, if that makes me sound less pathetic...lol

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