what are you growing this year?


6 Years
Apr 30, 2013
i plan to grow a lot of all organic asian vegetables this year. also i went to walmart tonight and bought some ferry morse organic parris island lettuce seeds. we hardly ever have lettuce around here, so this year ive set mind to grow lots and lots of lettuce (seeing how i love lettuce)! i also picked up some ferry morse organic california pepper seeds!!!
We are pretty much doing the same as last year.

Spring and fall garden - spinach, peas, mustard, kale, radish, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, asian greens

Summer - tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, green beans, squash, sweet and hot peppers. and for my first time ghost chili peppers. I want to see if they are as hot as they say.
i plan to grow a lot of all organic asian vegetables this year. also i went to walmart tonight and bought some ferry morse organic parris island lettuce seeds. we hardly ever have lettuce around here, so this year ive set mind to grow lots and lots of lettuce (seeing how i love lettuce)! i also picked up some ferry morse organic california pepper seeds!!!

Have you checked out bok choy or pak choy? I grew bok choy for the 1st time last year and i loved the taste. Mizuna is another oriental green you might like.

As far as the rest of my garden I plan to make this summer the biggest organic/heirloom garden i've ever grown. I've got seed for 5 heirloom sweet corn, 3 types of flour corn, 6 varieties of winter squash, 2 types of pumpkins, 2 types of zucchini, black spanish radish, purple top turnip, 2 types of carrots, 2 types of beets, 5 types of pole beans, bok choy, and swiss chard.
I'm growing lettuce too. In a little pot. I'm pretty excited about it. I've also got lots of onions that are almost ready and some peas. Our rosemary bush is still growing strong. In the spring I plan to plant cilantro, dill, basil, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini. Maybe buy some fruit trees or strawberries too.
Summer garden in the big bed will be pretty standard for us--bell and Anaheim peppers, couple kinds of tomatoes including some grape and cherry, yellow summer squash, zucchini, pitty pan squash, eggplant, cantalope, watermelons, pumpkins, acorn squash, green beans, swiss chard, basil, parsley.

I want to have a smaller spring/fall bed also--that will be new this year. I want to do lettuce, maybe spinach, carrots, beets. Maybe peas if I get started early enough.

Also want to get some blueberries going. Planted 3 bushes last year but since I was gone most of the summer/fall, my family didn't realize they were there and they didn't get watered. At all. They're pretty dead. So, I'm going to try again.....and stay out of the darn hospital this time!!!

Hoping the asparagus does well, and the raspberries. Already hacking the crap out of the blackberries
Summer garden in the big bed will be pretty standard for us--bell and Anaheim peppers, couple kinds of tomatoes including some grape and cherry, yellow summer squash, zucchini, pitty pan squash, eggplant, cantalope, watermelons, pumpkins, acorn squash, green beans, swiss chard, basil, parsley.

I want to have a smaller spring/fall bed also--that will be new this year. I want to do lettuce, maybe spinach, carrots, beets. Maybe peas if I get started early enough.

Also want to get some blueberries going. Planted 3 bushes last year but since I was gone most of the summer/fall, my family didn't realize they were there and they didn't get watered. At all. They're pretty dead. So, I'm going to try again.....and stay out of the darn hospital this time!!!

Hoping the asparagus does well, and the raspberries. Already hacking the crap out of the blackberries
Oooh! I wish I had enough space for melons and pumpkin! Sending good thoughts that you stay out of the icky hospital!
Oooh! I wish I had enough space for melons and pumpkin! Sending good thoughts that you stay out of the icky hospital!
Thank you!

You can grow Sugar Baby watermelons on a trellis, if it's fairly sturdy. You might need to support the melons with something like pantyhose when they get larger, but it's well worth it.

Pumpkins are the challenge--those babies take up so much space! One year they actually drove some blackberries back, a major feat. I was just afraid they were headed for the house
I am expanding my garden this year. Growing corn, beans, tomatoes, peppers, watermelon, zucchini, cucumber, pumpkin, lettuce, kale, spinach, swiss chard, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, garlic, onion, and lots of herbs.
Since I always bite off more garden than I can chew, and never get anything resembling a harvest, I have decided to keep it small and simple this year.

So I'm planning on:
Brandy wine, arkansas traveler, and Chadwick cherry tomatoes.
(Instead of the usual 20 varieties or so.)
Yellow squash, zucchini and perhaps a few winter varieties.
Moon and stars watermelon.
Bell pepper.

I still think its going to get out of hand.

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