What are Your Chickens Named?


From left to right: Rose, Henny Penny (Penny), Chicalay (chica), Captain Jack Sparrow (Jack) and Black Pearl (Pearl)
Connie, Constance, Danika, Heidi, Rosie, Gretchen, Ruby, Suzie, Daisy, Freya, Henrietta, Xena, and Big Ben. Below is a pic up our Little Miss Daisy.

3 chicks 2 silkie mixes first named nugget she is a black silkie (husband thinks its funny joking about eating my chicken nugget!) Second is my grey silkie named violet! Lastly i have my sweet mamba who is what i believe to be a OEG! Know i realize nugget and violet werent so original lol!
My 3 redstars are Dora because she's the exployer, Peep because she was the last to lay an egg, and Big Cheese Louise because she appointed herself boss.
Theo, I love the names you have, as well as the names everyone has posted! We got our flock at the beginning of March this year. It was nightly dinner discussion on what to call these chicks. Between my 5 and 8 year olds, my husband and myself, we would all agree on a name before it was set. It took us a while, and after about a month, it was settled. We have:
DJ Fro: because of the crazy feathers on her( um.. His) head. (Polish)
Rocky: short for Roxanne (my father wanted us to name our daughter Roxanne after his dog "rocky", so this is a family joke. Dad passed away 3 years ago) silver laced Wyandotte
Chocolate: the 5 year old named one of the RIRs this because of the color.
Rhoda: she is an RIR
Mary: because with Rhoda there is always a Mary. (Barred rock)
Joan: just silly and cute. (Barred rock)
Pecky Elaine: she was a very pecky chick! (Barred rock)
Ester, Lady, and Duchess... They are super sweet speckled Sussex. We thought they were easter Eggers... Whoops!
And Popcorn. She was the only yellow chick in the bunch. Salmon favrollie
My Buffs are....Buffy and Bella......My Dominique is Domino

Not too original... but they come when called by name!
I'm a Newby to Backyard chickens. We bought 10 chicks and I named them according to their personalities!
There's Darcy Darling, Lucy and Ethel, Bossy, Dilly, Fancy, Honey, Peachs, Buffy and LuLu.
They are 5 weeks old and I have them all eating out of my hand!
We're building their coop and run now.
I can't believe how much fun they are! I wish we got into this earlier!

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