What are Your Chickens Named?



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I have three golden chickens (sorry i dont really know breeds yet) called the golden girls
theres one i got with some chicks from a guy we call mama
one called the red devil as shes not very nice
another red one called Rocky hes a rooster
a black named emerald
a white called speed demon (shes really really fast)
then we have one without feet (long story but shes doing great) called Beebe
three easter eggers called Big Bertha, Big Betty, and Helen.
another red called Crispy
then our six chicks are, Dean, Sam, Penny, Sheldon, Rim and Ram
theres one more but cant remember the name right now!!!!
We have 6 hens and a rooster. Our rooster is a Frizzle and that's such a cute breed name we just call him Frizzle.
The girls are:
Henrietta and Hazel-Delawares
Penny-RI Red cross
Victoria-Barred Rock
We recently lost Penny's sister, Polly.
We have 6 Welsh Harlequin ducks with no names except one hen who just had 3 babies. I call her Neurotica bc she's so, well, neurotic.lol My goose started out as Lucy Goosey til we learned it was a male, now his name is Loosey Goosey. Haha
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Earnest T. Bass (blue Ameraucana) is my main roo
Clara (black Ameraucana) -his girlfriend
Frank Sinatra-BCM
Mary-Olive egger
Payton-barred rock & Ameraucana
Mel-Lavender Orpington
Reba and Shania- buff orps
Dolly- white leghorn
Kitty Wells- Silver laced wyn.
Tanya Tucker & Faith Hill- Salmons
Tammy and Patsy- speckled sussex
Trisha, Martina and Sarah- cuckoo Marans

Matches my cats-Ike, Tina and Elvis
I have an Astrolorp named Bernadette; BO named Coraline; Sussex is Nutmeg; BR, Mabel; NN, Clover. My first chickens. Four of them are about 7 or 8 weeks, Nutmeg about 4 weeks.

Oops! Just kidding. Nutmeg is apparently a cockrel who is now dubbed Quincy by my 4 yr old gdaughter
Orange, Goldee, Checkers, Zorro, Hawk, Little Bit, Dot, Arrow, Smoky, Geraldine, Lacy, Sassy, Brownie, Butterbut, JoJo, 2 roos Mr. Cocker and Snowflake and over 75 more chickens, all named.
My hens' names are:

Hoot, Nanny, Mrs. Grady, Queen Elizabeth, River Song, Cloteil (she's from down the bayou) Clara, Sharkiesha,
my favorelle is Lola my bantams are Pearl and calico my blind Amercana is Stevie or sometimes we call her phoebes and some sometimes we call her Connie she answers to all of them ! She just likes to be called .... And will answer to almost any name you call her ! Such a love !!!!!
There is Patty, LaVern, Goldie 1, Goldie 2, Goldie 3, Rocky 1, Rocky 2. There is Snippy, Grumpy,
Nola, Nasty (she beats up the ducks), Rojo, Doc, Happy and Sugar.

The ducks are Lucy and Ricky, Rosemary and Ida, Samson and Delila and Graham Quacker.

They love anyone who approaches them with a bucket in hand.

Bobbie and the flock in New Mexico

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