What are Your Chickens Named?

:cdWe have 14 laying hens, their names are Mimi (Barred Rock and queen of the flock), Rita, Rosa, Ruby, and Duchess (Ameraucanas), Marigold, Clover, and Bluebell ( Buff Orpingtons), Violet (maybe Marans/Silkie cross), Myrtle (Brown Leghorn), Pío (say peeyo) Ebony, Sapphire, and Pluma (Olive Eggers). My 3 roosters are Romeo (BO), Featherfoot (OE), and Compost (Buff Silkie) can you guess where he got his name? We also have 18 young pullets because so many people want our backyard chicken eggs, a mix of Red Sexlink, Rhode Island Reds, and White Leghorns. Only 2 are named so far, they are Lily and Heather. I'm naming them as their personalities develop. We really enjoy them, and friends love their eggs.
Except for being roosters and hens, I can't even tell mine apart, much less give them names. And it's probably better that I don't name something that I might eat one day.
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We live in Nashville Tennessee so it only made since that we pay tribute to our local country music heritage. Therefore, our 4 ladies are named June Carter (married to Johnny Cash and a talent in her on right), Dolly - no need to say more, Crystal Gayle (who happens to live on our street and Loretta Lynn. Went old school. If we get more maybe there's a Taylor or Lady Annabelle out there.
Hazel- astralorp
Hen Solo- RIR
Lula- Red Star
Willow- Dominique
Gypsy- Easter Egger
Princess Laya- Easter Egger
Lady Fluff Bottom- Silver Wyandotte

I still have a PBR, buff Orpington, and speckled sussex that are yet to be named. :)

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Mine are:
BO - Peaches & Summer
Light Brahma - Big Sister
Colombian Wynadotte - Pearl
Silver Laced Wynadotte - Jett
Delaware - Della
Welsummers - Coco & Dusty
Easter Eggers - Hildy, Skye, Bella, & Pipp
Red Sex Link - Dot
Black Sex Link - Raven

I also have 3 pullets I am giving my son & fiancée: Production Red - Gidget
Red Sex Link - JC (stands for Josh's Chicken) &
Black Sex Link - CC (stands for Camila's Chicken)
Good grief what cute names ADORE really !! Sounds like you love your kids ! ME TOO .. Never realized what a chicken NUT I am ( till I got my 1st two ) Cochin bantams .. But they make me crazy .. Always going broody !! Yikes ! Every 6 weeks or so they depart the here and now and go to BROOY LAND such a pain , we have to hand feed them or they won't eat and gently remove them from inside coop to run area to poop and scratch around a little then they go right back inside and brood theyre imaginary eggs ! HELP ME ( to have patience ) with these two little girls .. But they so **** cute !! Love love love them but Jeeze it get so hard sometimes JUST want them to be the happy little chix I know they can be .. **** BROODIES !!!!
It took me a long time to pick their names. Only Hildy & Gidget came quickly. Hildy is actually short for Brunhilda, she was such a brat at first. Gidget was so teeny compared to the rest! After that I just watched to see their personalities & looks. Aren't chickens great. I just love mine!

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