What are Your Chickens Named?

This is miss Chloe and my little guy jasper the barn cat.

Hi Farm Sweet Farm.
Love your "C" names, and Chloe is so pretty! What a cute photo. I have a cat named Jasper too! Here's our Jasper:

My "flock" originated with two Production Reds, one named Josey Wales and the other, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Unfortunately, Lucy flew the coop and went over the fence into the jaws of a mini-Pinscher. Then I trimmed flight feathers. Lucy's replacement came in the form of a gift, a favorolle who was white with rust-colored "petals". We called her Little Flower, "Flo" for short. Josey and Flo became best friends until a neighborly owl separated Flo's head from her body in a mess of white feathers in the chicken yard. I went searching for another tea-party-partner for Josey, and found an ameracauna in dark-colored, paisley feathers, one who might deceive the owl into thinking she was actually leaves on the ground. We named her Priscilla. Josey and Prissy are now best of friends and have survived for over six months together. My grandkids and II love the green eggs!

And now, a couple of months later, I have a rescue chicken someone left on rental property. She is a Rhode Island Red, and has an injured right leg or foot or thigh ... can't tell what it is, but she limps significantly. We named her McIlly, after the man who owned the rental property where she was found. McIlly is my Tom T. Hall "One Legged Chicken". She gets around pretty well. Her hopping is improving, and she's much nicer to the other two girls after a week of fraternizinig during the heavy, Tropical Storm Billy-Bob rains we had last week. McIlly is laying, but we're not eating her eggs yet. Don't know what she ate before she came here! I get three distinctly different eggs on a pretty regular basis. I think I have capacity for my coop which officially holds four. It's definitely crowded with just the three. I love my chickens. They are soooo entertaining.
Thanks! The Jaz-man's a real clown, the big-brotherly alpha of our cats, and -- oops, he must know I'm talking about him because he's hollering at me right now!
My chickens are; Thelma and Louise, Lucy and Ethel, Guardian and Rose. The Grand kids named the last 2. Lol
We have Blue Boy, Col. Sanders, Roscoe, Dick, Skittles, and Nugget. Our hens are Two Toes ( because she has two broken tows on one foot that are bent at a 90), Pepper, Raven, Fancy, Boots(because she has random feathers on her feet), Dottie, Floppy, Thing1, Thing2 (twin hens), Goldie, and Runaround Sue.

I have a 2 year old that helps me name them and she loves her tweet tweets....lol
At Henwarts Northwest we have Hermione, Luna, Lavendar, Parvatie, Padma and Minerva (McGonagal). Sometimes their names change since I really don't think they care what I call them.

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