What are your chickens names?

Bantam Pen:
Christina-Mille Fluer D'uccle(oldest and head honcho)
Zippy-White Leghorn
Bumblecluck(like bumblebee from transformers, courtesy of the 4yo bro)-buff brahma
Thundercloud-blue cochin(again, the little bro's)
Pepper-Standard Black Crevecoeur

Serama Pen:
Drake-Wheaton cockerel
Trixie-Mottled pullet

Keepers(aka baby pen that I'm keeping):
Noodle-Mottled serama cockerel
Paprika-Mottled Serama cockerel
Diesel-Black Serama pullet

The boys(aka the baby pen that are being re-homed):
Pip-confusing buff based serama cockerel
Jet-black pain in the kiester serama cockerel
Pretzel-Mottled Serama cockerel

And we've had:
fuzzo(little bro's)
Da Fluffy
and some others

I have five:

Black Polish mix/banty/standard Tina
pure Lakenvelder Annie
buff mix Daisy
RIR Carmen
RIR Willie
I'm still deciding on some names...

"Little Margaret"
5yodd named it after herself

Buff Orp
"Emily" short for "Hermione"
Named by other dd

Black Aust.
Named by 12yods, and who knows what inspires the mind of a 12yo boy?

I'm thinking of naming my two RIRs "Rhoda" and "Mary" (best friends from the Mary Tyler Moore Show)

Maybe I'll name the Ameraucana "Georgette" to go with Rhoda and Mary?

Finally there is a Barred Rock who has no name yet, although dd calls her "Sweetie" because she's so gentle and doesn't fidget when held. 12yods is looking for a more "prison-like" name to go with the bars.
I have only named 3 out of 12 pullets
EE- Chipmunk (she looked like one when she was a baby)
Delaware- Clemantine ( I just felt it was aproptiate)
Camamine- Candy

the rest of them are just called by there names
The marans are the marans
Favorrels- Favorrels
Leghorns- Crazies
Delawares- Dellies
*"Officially": Miss Timex Chook (Hubby dubbed her Timex after she survived the second possum attack.) *Known Aliases : Chook, Chook-Chook, Mama's Little Girl, Goomba, Miss T, Goofball, and SILLY CHICKEN!!
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Most of the chickens we got were already older when we got them, or had names already. We did name the 4 chicks we hatched last summer.

These are all Mutt babies of mutts:

Rooster- Temp, meaning he is the temporary rooster until the Buff Orp chick we are going to get is old enough to do the job.

Pullet 1-Big Sexy, because she has a poof on her head. Not a big one, more of an Elvis hair do.

Pullet 2-Little Sexy, because she looks just like Big Sexy but she is a lot smaller(came out of a banty egg)

Pullet 3-Spicy, because she is red and also has the poof.

I have a list of names going for when the new babies get here. I want to name the Buff Orp ladies- Dorothy, Blanch, Rose and Sophia. Which I guess would make the Buff Roo Stan.

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