What are your rooster's names?

I have had a lot of males over the years. Currently I only have 3 named boys, Champ, Wallace and Dexter. Some of the past boys were, Rufus, Curly, Shemp, Larry, Moe, Newton, Lucky, Chester, Major, Minor, Crooked Toes and I'm sure I have had a few more that I named but I can't think of right now. Usually I don't name the ones that I'm not going to use as breeders or those destined to go to freezer camp.

This is my Delaware roo. His name is little jerry Seinfeld
Named my Silver Sebright rooster Odysseus. He somehow found himself lost from home, landed on my grandparents' porch & after unsuccessfully locating his owners, he got his new name & came home with me. He's my first chicken so I didn't really know what to expect, but, man, is he a spitfire!

Thought I'd add to this: In March, I hatched two of my flock's eggs and one turned out to be a cockerel!

I named him Memnoch after Anne Rice's devil character because his comb developed a fork in the back like horns. He's a mix between Odysseus and one of my Polish hens.
I have only 2 roosters-

Yes I know that's not a very good one, but we thought he was a hen, so know we call he TillBill, and TillyTom.

We still call Tilly a "she" though
I have a young blind Rose Comb Rhode Island Red male that I thought for quite awhile was a female. It's in the grow-out coop with some younger birds because it wasn't do as well with it's hatch mates and was small. It fits right in with the younger chicks and is thriving. Haven't been able to come up with a name yet. My DH wants to cull him but I'm not ready yet. He eats, drinks and poops well. It goes outside in their pen and most of the time back into the coop at night. Every once in awhile I have to put it in at night but not very often. Most of the youngsters go up on a roost at night but there are some that lay on the floor of the coop with the blind chick. I have a lot of birds so very few females get names but most of the males I keep do. I sold several of my breeder males as I have young ones growing I'm going to keep. Right now I have Dexter, Wallace and Champ. I am keeping 6 more for my breeding pens but not sure yet until they grow out a bit more then I'll name them.
I can't say the name of my Ameraucana cock... it's kind of vulgar. It rhymes with "Truck Boy" I named him when I went to let him out one day while wearing red plaid pajama pants.

This is Spanky the splash showgirl cockerel

This is Crazy Eyes the leaky showgirl cockerel
My two black sex link roosters are Snoop (the alpha) and Tux. They are HUGE. I will try to get a picture tomorrow
We had One rooster, who we lost and his name was El diablo! and we have a new one, that we Named Chilly...because he is black and white, and plus my daugher calls him chilly. :)

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