What are your rooster's names?

I have had two roosters: The first was named Ella until he started to crow, so we renamed him Eli. He's gone now. My current rooster is a young, Buff Polish. He's named Bon Jovi because of his tophat! Reminds me of Bon Jovi in the 80's.
My Buff Laced Polish is called Einstein. When he was little his head feathers were white which reminded me of Einstein. The Salmon Faverolles I have left is Elvis. Grandson named the other Salmon Faverolles that was rehomed across the street Frankie which reminded me of Frank Sinatra. So Elvis seemed to work for the other one. Strangely, neither one sings (crows) at all even at 7 months old.
We currently have 4 cockerels in our flock of 8. The leader is Moe, a large buff orpington. He got his name when he was the first chick to grow in his comb, and it looked like a giant mohawk. So Moe it was. Next is Munk, the easter egger. He was a chipmunk pattern chick, easy name. Then we have Sam & Ella (catchy, eh?), two smaller buff orpingtons. My brother in law thought it would be funny to have a pair of chickens that sounded like salmonella, and it stuck - this was before we knew if they were pullets or cockerels.
We currently have 4 cockerels in our flock of 8. The leader is Moe, a large buff orpington. He got his name when he was the first chick to grow in his comb, and it looked like a giant mohawk. So Moe it was. Next is Munk, the easter egger. He was a chipmunk pattern chick, easy name. Then we have Sam & Ella (catchy, eh?), two smaller buff orpingtons. My brother in law thought it would be funny to have a pair of chickens that sounded like salmonella, and it stuck - this was before we knew if they were pullets or cockerels.

Ella! Is that like, "A Boy Named Sue"?
My Buff Polish rarely crows. I've only seen him do it once. He's about 13 weeks old now.
Although the 2 Salmon FavH

My Buff Polish rarely crows. I've only seen him do it once. He's about 13 weeks old now.
Although my 2 Salmon Faverolles that were named after singers have yet to crow, Einstein the Polish has been greeting us with his loud crow since he was 4 months old. He's not excessive but he crows on and off all day long.

The light sussex roo in front was originally named Sir George but quickly had his name changed to Meat Loaf. he seems to have some Cornish cross in him somewhere and has impressive drum sticks lol

My first roo was a handsome Easter Egger named Sir Morton. Sadly he died of an impacted gizzard this year :-(

I have a 4 month old mixed breed roo that has no name, quiet little guy gets the run around from Meat Loaf a lot. He is not very photogenic as his huge wattles do not match his neat little pea comb.
I have 4 un names barred Plymouth roosters, a jersey giant called thor-finn a black orp called brutas a campine called Campbell, a cucoo maran called Martin, a welsumer called Westley rock a white guy who was supposed to be a light sussex but is nor called Luke snow, and poss another jersey who is only 6 weeks so we are not sure called Josie

This is Colonel.... does anyone know what breed he is?

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