What Breed is this - Polish? Jersey Giant? Australorp?


11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
My Coop
My Coop
I have a chicken that I got a few weeks ago from the elementary school hatching project, so it's probably a mixed up breed, but can any of you experts enlighten me as to what kind of chicken he is? He's about 6 weeks old, black with very pretty iridescent blue feathers and a few brownies on his chest, a funny comb (sort of doubled up?), grey and white feet (no yellow underneath) and a silly pouf on top of his head. He's VERY soft, much softer than my other hens/babies and has a cute (if sometimes irritating) personality. I've combed the forum but can't seem to find another photo of a baby like him... of course he's one of my daughter's favorites, so hopefully he's actually a SHE...





I'm obviously not only chicken illiterate, but also photobucket illiterate as I can't get my photos to post correctly either. God it makes me feel old...
Cool looking bird! I like that the head feathers don't blind him (or her) I have no idea, sorry. Every single polish we have ever had has turned out to be a roo. We keep picking them though!

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