What did you all do about your dissaproving DH?

My husband is so controlling. When I tell him to make me another coop, he says NO!! Can you believe the nerve?? I have a whole quarter acre and only have 3 coops!!! I have eggies in the bator (which he made for me) Where the heck am I going to put them? He better get off his lazy butt... oh, wait... he's working all day
Well, when he gets home..
ha ha yes! MSBEar, I was looking at land today thinking I need AT LEAST 3 acres to be able to house the chickens along with a house...lol how on earth do you fit 3 coops on a quarter acre? That's talent! I would like to see it! lol You mean that "lazy" husband of yours cant just stretch the land?!

NM: I looked at your page! AMAZING! and those are some darn beautiful coops!
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you can see pics of my coops on my page. I have managed to keep everything very nice with the help of movable tractors out front and a duplex coop in the back yard. I also have fabulous neighbors that don't mind at all the comings and going of little feet.

I realize Im asking too much for another coop but thought we could compromise on a quail hutch.
Im chatting with Monarc and would really love to squeeze in some. Im still pondering where.. but I think hubby would really be ok with it when I cook him up some quail yumminess.
Yes, I agree. Having an opinion different from the accepted "norm" certainly makes you a targer.

I don't think it's necessarily the differing opinion that makes one a target. I think it's more the way that opinion is presented. It's hard to always put the proper tone into the written word. I think in many cases opinions come across as much harsher than intended because all of the subtle things like vocal inflection and body language are missing.

Of course, there's no way to say, "Are you absolutely NUTS?", and make it sound kind. So, those types of phrases should be left out altogether.

I personally have found most everyone on here to be very kind and helpful. I don't agree with everyone, but I also don't feel like I have to.
@Msbear: I checked out your pages... you and your husband are adorable!!... as are your coops

Whew, I took a few days off from this post, and it blew up! Even though it got kind of sticky at times, it was nice to read how "different strokes for different folks" really should be the mantra for finding success in every situation and relationship. If you get caught up in strictly adhering to the "rules", you're destined for disappointment at one point or another. Rock on, sisters [and I think a few brothers]... its great to find so many people passionate about marriage AND chickens
If I want them, I build them
it saves arguments and it is a great sense of accomplishment.
I am a strong believer in women can do anything if they put their mind to it.

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