What did you do with your flock today?

Yes!! At least 11 😩 it gives me the heebie jeebies!! Little jerks!

I will probably switch out to ACV now. They’ve had the copper for 3 days so hopefully that’s enough! 😵‍💫 She is the best snuggle bug! Has been since a day old 😍 the chicken snuggles are the best! ❤️
1 quality pellet gun for xmas. Probably be crazy gratifying. That and/or a Kauai kitty or 2/3. I can help you arrange the adoption lol.
I'd be so mad... eating feed etc. etc. I know most all have vermin sneaking around but those b*st*rds are taking over! So sorry @kurby22 . Def not good.

Well, at least flock is mending!
Just coming light here and time to check the chooks. Had a touch of rain and got a whiff of the run 😕. Antsy to pick up mulch. Yesterday I acted like a normal person and washed the floors, feels so less barnlike. Still gotta scrub bathroom... 😖 hate a hideous bathroom.

Like the sounds of your too good to pass up deal @Shetland lover If I ever travel to Europe I'm definitely hitting the thrift stores ♡ Same with mainland... best junk ever lol. I think a bathroom remodel during the holidays would send me over the edge (or thrift shopping). You are a very patient person and or have great humor. ♡♡♡ 👍👍👍 Bravo!

Got to ride Boo last eve to go visit my dad for his birthday. Happy birthday pops!

Was waiting for an air filter for Boo so had to take a week off. Felt good and I know my dad would have gotten a kick out of me packing foliage to him.

Well, better get started... looking forward to checking back in.
I'm not a parent either (other than to my fur, feather and scaly babies, of course 🤣) so I don't have that drain on my time and energy. Our house resembles the local dump at the moment as we're waiting for our bathroom to be re-fitted. Our house is very small and aside from the normal 'junk' as DH calls it, there's tiles and bathroom fittings all over the place! I added to the 'junk' last weekend when I came home with a set of Swedish Orrefors crystal glasses, 4 tiny, etched Victorian liqueur glasses, a crystal bowl and a sterling silver topped powder jar all for the princely sum of £8.50. Honestly, how could i not? 🤣
I should have been more clear. Kids are grown. Grandkids kind of far. So a better answer would have been Amazon. Hate to say it but it really helps us with the holidays.
Had a friend that bought stuff because "she couldn't pass up such a good deal". You did get a great deal! I have had to stop going to thrift stores and garage sales to prevent junk buildup around here. We're both from the "I might need it later" era. Anyone else save plastic containers and roast chicken containers?
Jam and pickle jars are my weakness. You never know when you might need one... 🤣
Yes!! At least 11 😩 it gives me the heebie jeebies!! Little jerks!

I will probably switch out to ACV now. They’ve had the copper for 3 days so hopefully that’s enough! 😵‍💫 She is the best snuggle bug! Has been since a day old 😍 the chicken snuggles are the best! ❤️
Ooh! I hope you get the rats sorted! Having seen your photos, I'm freaking out about the ones in our back garden. I really, really don't want to resort to poison but...
Just coming light here and time to check the chooks. Had a touch of rain and got a whiff of the run 😕. Antsy to pick up mulch. Yesterday I acted like a normal person and washed the floors, feels so less barnlike. Still gotta scrub bathroom... 😖 hate a hideous bathroom.

Like the sounds of your too good to pass up deal @Shetland lover If I ever travel to Europe I'm definitely hitting the thrift stores ♡ Same with mainland... best junk ever lol. I think a bathroom remodel during the holidays would send me over the edge (or thrift shopping). You are a very patient person and or have great humor. ♡♡♡ 👍👍👍 Bravo!

Got to ride Boo last eve to go visit my dad for his birthday. Happy birthday pops! View attachment 3351308
Was waiting for an air filter for Boo so had to take a week off. Felt good and I know my dad would have gotten a kick out of me packing foliage to him.

Well, better get started... looking forward to checking back in.
Beautiful foliage arrangement! I always get the brightest, most garish flowers for my dad's birthday, he always used to complain I only ever picked out bland, pastel ones if he sent me flower shopping for anyone. He was a big man with a big personality so going bold seems a good fit.

The bathroom fiasco has been ongoing since October. We were waiting for bath taps to arrive so our fitter couldn't start fitting and then he had a serious injury so now we're waiting for him to recover properly. He's doing well and thinks we might be good to go mid January. Fingers crossed 🤞
Had a sneezer yesterday so isolated him with a view of the flock and added vitamins. Tonight I have 2 more... so isolated them & started them on vitamins and then dosed all w/tylan. Think I am going to add vitamins and dose the flock if anyone else looks suspect. Not liking this at all.
Fingers crossed all are ok.
Well, it is war, yes war with a mouse. I’m about sick of his games. I went and bought sticky traps. I tried baiting the snap traps with caramel and even chocolate. I hate using sticky traps but this one can’t stay in my house. Just can’t. So I cut one side off of the trap so it is flushed with the wall. He has been running on my backsplash. And then I put one on the side of the stove. He has been coming up from behind it. I think somewhere we didn’t seal something as good as we thought when we put the gas lines through the floor. Anyway, normally he climbs up my power cord and then right onto the backsplash. Well today the little smarty pants diverted it, I watched him do it. So I put another on top of the power cord. SOMEHOW he diverts all 3! I put one by my sink as he must be getting water from there. And I seen him leave the sink, run up to the sticky trap, stops and finds another way around! 🤬 So I cut another trap side and put it next to the other. Next step is getting the long snake rat ones. I have no idea what else to do. And I can’t use the poisons with all the animals we have around here. I’m at a complete loss. I asked my mom too and she had no idea what else to do. Ugh! Any suggestions and I will take it.
Sorry for laughing, I just flash back to past mouse wars here and in hindsight, they were funny! We once had one move into our stove. Late at night, hubby and I would be hanging out in the kitchen and the little bleep would pop up from under the burner, stare at us and then dive back down. Took some work but we finally got him!
Since that one's glue trap smart, maybe try a different trap? A baited snap trap perhaps? We got ours with a baited tomcat...we use a dab of peanut butter with some sunflower seeds pressed into it. The peanut butter is just to keep the seeds in place so they don't move around and foul the trap doors. Our cats normally do the job for us, but that one was avoiding them. On the good side, I got a new stove once we caught it. 😁
Can't wait to hear about your victory dance when you catch the bugger!
I have no ideas…I did all those metal plates and moved pavers and last night I saw rats in the coop again :barnie:barnieSo I went out and moved in MORE pavers and checked at 2 am—RATS IN THE COOP. I’m going to lose my marbles. SO today on a work break, I went outside, pulled out the nest box, pulled out all the cinder blocks and found the tiny sliver of blue sky they were getting in thru…I THINK. So I swept out a huge amount of shavings and dirt and arranged the cinder blocks different and then covered them with pavers…until I have time to do something more permanent this better work!! Poison hasn’t worked, rat cages haven’t worked, the ultrasonic buzzers haven’t worked…and I checked the run camera and saw this—
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I’m going crazy guys. It creeps me out seeing soooo many 😩😩😩😩 I think I’m gonna try the bucket—whatever the cost as long as it works!! 😤😤😤 I’m exhausted from all the heavy lifting and anxiety it’s causing—I feel your pain @FBMcrazy8 !!

It does seem to be thrush or at least a fungal issue for the chickens now. Brownie got three days of monistat cream and a bunch of thyme and cinnamon, a bit of ACV and VetRx, as well as forsythia extract and she appears to be all better. Eye cleared up, cheesy growths gone, appetite back and laid an egg last night. She climbed up on my chest on her own and stayed there till I went to bed. She’s just such a sweet bird 😍 Tonight I went to sit outside with everyone and check on her as I let her rejoin the flock and I couldn’t find her so I was calling her and she actually came to me and sat with me till it got dark ❤️
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I noticed a bunch of them have white stuff on their combs too, so I will definitely be drying out their run and giving them all some antifungal aids and hope it does the trick! They don’t care for the copper sulfate water at all so that isn’t helping a ton—although Nohope seems a bit better today, so it’s definitely helping him. Nor is the lack of food to eat since the rats keep cleaning out their feeder! I bought a feed supplement that I’m going to mix in tomorrow to their feed along with pomegranate peel powder, thyme and cinnamon. Yesterday they got Greek yogurt with greens…hopefully this starts to make a difference! 😵‍💫

@TropicalBabies i hope the sneezes are only sneezes! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 30 bags is truly impressive! Well done ❤️❤️
So glad to hear about Brownie ❤️...what precious girls in that pic!
Wow wow wow on the rats! I don't envy you that fight! I can't imagine how much feed they must be eating. Huge hugs :hugs I hope the buckets work for them and wish I had any ideas to help.
I'm not a parent either (other than to my fur, feather and scaly babies, of course 🤣) so I don't have that drain on my time and energy. Our house resembles the local dump at the moment as we're waiting for our bathroom to be re-fitted. Our house is very small and aside from the normal 'junk' as DH calls it, there's tiles and bathroom fittings all over the place! I added to the 'junk' last weekend when I came home with a set of Swedish Orrefors crystal glasses, 4 tiny, etched Victorian liqueur glasses, a crystal bowl and a sterling silver topped powder jar all for the princely sum of £8.50. Honestly, how could i not? 🤣
I feel for you on the remodel mess!
Your shopping finds sound wonderful! I've kinda hit the point where I see something beautiful and my first response is "Oooo"... then I think "but do I want to dust it?" 🤣
Yep, this weather makes the dirt stay muddy, wet, and stinky!. Too cold to dry out much, even if it's not supposed to rain for the next week. Kind of odd, but we'll take it. Yesterday my son and I raked all the leaves and spread them in the run. It stopped the smell and muddy feet, for now. And, if I can get the run covered better, it'll be better, but sometimes we have sideways rain.
Just got to make another plug for turning the dirt! It really does keep everything oder free and reduces or eliminates the mud. Everything dries out faster too with loose, hummusy soil. With virgin soil I add wood chips, straw or whatever before the rain, and turn it under after the rain when the dirt's easier to dig. Over time I only have to turn occasionally to clean and by then the dirt's loose and o so easy to turn. As a bonus, when I need gardening soil, I take it from my coops.
Had a friend that bought stuff because "she couldn't pass up such a good deal". You did get a great deal! I have had to stop going to thrift stores and garage sales to prevent junk buildup around here. We're both from the "I might need it later" era. Anyone else save plastic containers and roast chicken containers?
We keep all the plastic containers too. They're so perfect for sending food home with friends after get togethers and a million other things. ❤️
Beautiful foliage arrangement! I always get the brightest, most garish flowers for my dad's birthday, he always used to complain I only ever picked out bland, pastel ones if he sent me flower shopping for anyone. He was a big man with a big personality so going bold seems a good fit.
My dad hated flowers and got mad and complained about smells etc... but he loved the colorful foliage of Hawaii so it seemed to fit and lasts way longer than the junky store bought we get here.

I have planted our yard with plants and flowers for our graveyard visits. Unfortunately, the heat stressed the ginger and chooks finished it off. I have some new starts in water that I will be planting in a few weeks. Takes time to outsmart chickens for sure.

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