What did you do with your flock today?

Yesterday while on the back deck talking to my friend I noticed one of my black pullets caught in the netting, and she was stuck mid air as if in a hammock. I rushed down, and DH helped me by cutting the netting away. She had abrasions on the underside of her wing, there was a little blood on a rock nearby. No idea when she had gotten stuck there, but must've been earlier in the morning. Sprayed Vetrimycin on her, rinsed poo off her tail feathers, dried her off and set her down. She was a bit off balance and wobbly, but not for long. I think she must've gotten a cramp, or disoriented from hanging laying on her back. So glad she is ok, and I couldn't tell her apart from the others as the day progressed.
Oh gosh! So glad she was O.K.
Ferdy was crowing for around 15 minutes the other morning. I was busy working at my desk so I ignored him until I realised it had been going on too long. When I investigated, I discovered him in the run, stood completely motionless. Turned out his left foot was completely wrapped in netting. It had bound up all of his toes and round his spur. The foot was purple as the circulation was cut off. I cut him free, rubbed his foot to restore circulation and treated his wounds. I feel so guilty as a should know from past experience never to ignore him if he crows other than at his "normal" times.
I love the wallpaper! Such a wonderfully crafted coop! Mites don't like paint? I may need to disassemble and paint if that works.
Not so much that they don’t like it as the paint seals the wood so they can’t hide in the wood grains. At least that’s what I’ve been told, and the coops I’ve painted with nice thick paint have been the ones with the least mites! So there must be something to it!

I love the wallpaper! I’m thinking about putting it in my room somehow 😆
Oh gosh! So glad she was O.K.
Ferdy was crowing for around 15 minutes the other morning. I was busy working at my desk so I ignored him until I realised it had been going on too long. When I investigated, I discovered him in the run, stood completely motionless. Turned out his left foot was completely wrapped in netting. It had bound up all of his toes and round his spur. The foot was purple as the circulation was cut off. I cut him free, rubbed his foot to restore circulation and treated his wounds. I feel so guilty as a should know from past experience never to ignore him if he crows other than at his "normal" times.
What a good boy to let you know instead of suffering in silence! Good thing you went to check on him ❤️
DH took a picture of the peeps last night at close in time. All the chickens were in except these three. They wanted to stay up for a while, but at least were in the enclosure, so he could lock them all in and they could go in to roost when they are ready. Aren't they cute? 12 weeks old now.
As I was looking at this photo, I realized we have a dilemma. How did I miss this before? :lau It's obviously not Rose, Blanche and Dorothy! Welcome to the flock Blaine! Hope you can get along with Cooper!
DH took a picture of the peeps last night at close in time. All the chickens were in except these three. They wanted to stay up for a while, but at least were in the enclosure, so he could lock them all in and they could go in to roost when they are ready. Aren't they cute? 12 weeks old now.
View attachment 3840433As I was looking at this photo, I realized we have a dilemma. How did I miss this before? :lau It's obviously not Rose, Blanche and Dorothy! Welcome to the flock Blaine! Hope you can get along with Cooper!
You definitely have a Blaine! 😁😍
DH took a picture of the peeps last night at close in time. All the chickens were in except these three. They wanted to stay up for a while, but at least were in the enclosure, so he could lock them all in and they could go in to roost when they are ready. Aren't they cute? 12 weeks old now.
View attachment 3840433As I was looking at this photo, I realized we have a dilemma. How did I miss this before? :lau It's obviously not Rose, Blanche and Dorothy! Welcome to the flock Blaine! Hope you can get along with Cooper!
So pretty 😍
Blaine is going to be one handsome young man!
What a good boy to let you know instead of suffering in silence! Good thing you went to check on him ❤️
He's the best, always tries to let me know if something is amiss or one of the girls or Stan needs something.
I had another reminder of why I hate bird netting yesterday. I was putting everyone to bed and noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye. A newly fledged sparrow was caught in it. The netting had wrapped itself around both wings and it's neck. It was also soaked as we had a month's worth of rain yesterday. Had to cut it free and dry it off. It would have died if I hadn't spotted it.
He's the best, always tries to let me know if something is amiss or one of the girls or Stan needs something.
I had another reminder of why I hate bird netting yesterday. I was putting everyone to bed and noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye. A newly fledged sparrow was caught in it. The netting had wrapped itself around both wings and it's neck. It was also soaked as we had a month's worth of rain yesterday. Had to cut it free and dry it off. It would have died if I hadn't spotted it.
I wish I didn’t have to use it! I’m lucky I haven’t had those issues more than twice, but I know it’s always possible and I hate it. On a couple of coops I changed over to shade cloth…it’s better but not ideal.
I don't have netting over my free range run anymore. So hard to get it out of the trees when it is time to change it! I did buy new netting, but we haven't installed it. When we used it, we put up T-poles to keep it high and away from the chickens, and give us room to walk under it. I have a picture somewhere. Of course, that doesn't help with small birds like sparrows. We did have a small bird stuck in it once. We freed her and were happy it never happened again.

Hoping there will be no aerial predators this year. We normally don't have them, but when the Bald Eagles were adjusting to having so few fish available in the river, they came after all our chickens. That was several years ago, and haven't heard of an eagle attack since. :fl If we have one...up will go the netting again.
Oh gosh! So glad she was O.K.
Ferdy was crowing for around 15 minutes the other morning. I was busy working at my desk so I ignored him until I realised it had been going on too long. When I investigated, I discovered him in the run, stood completely motionless. Turned out his left foot was completely wrapped in netting. It had bound up all of his toes and round his spur. The foot was purple as the circulation was cut off. I cut him free, rubbed his foot to restore circulation and treated his wounds. I feel so guilty as a should know from past experience never to ignore him if he crows other than at his "normal" times.
So glad he is ok, and your doctoring got him there. What kind of netting is in your coop? So scary when we find our kids in distress. Velma from last year had gotten caught in netting that was hanging close to the ground, and sprained something in her leg. She hobbled/limped a little for a time. I have aviary 2" netting up so the girls don't fly up on top of the tarps. Onyx is th notorious escapee, btw she is right as rain.

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