What did you give your chickies today?

I buy a jar of seeds from amazon.com that has radish, broccoli, alfalfa, and clover. I put them in a wide mouth ball jar and use a piece of fiberglass screen with the jar ring to cover, rinse, cover with water and soak 6-8hrs, drain. I then sit at an angle in my dish drain so any excess water will run out, every morning and night I rinse and drain. If I start out with approx. 3-4 tbls. in 5 days the jar is full. The best part is I also eat them in salads and on sandwiches. I feel like I'm being healthy because the sprouts are supposed to be a "super food". I have not had much luck with wheat seeds but would love some feedback on how to sprout.
My hens will and do eat anything I eat, except for beans and citrus. But their favorite foods are; 3-day sprouted wheat, yogurt, raw shelled sunflower seeds, and they like to eat a little dry cat food from the cat dish once in a while, but not much.
However if there is any styrofoam in the yard they will devour it like kids eat cheetos.
Mine got romaine lettuce , black oil seed, millet, and of course they got there pellet feed with diatomaceous earth mixed in. Today my order from azure standard comes and my girls will have the best food! Non Gmo certified, no corn or yucky soy . Just all wonderful grains. My girls love it, ( scratch and peck) but I could not afford the shipping. Now with azure standard the shipping is like 7 bucks for every hundred you spend! They will be getting this food the rest of there life ! ( or as long as azure standard gets it lol )

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