What did your chickens do today?

Thank you for the information and everything.. I will be more careful on what I feed her and she not really over weight...
yes she did eat the onions because I was hand feeding her. she very spoilt and always wanted to be holded.. also she have a hurt leg due to a dog attack around 4&half years ago..... I will researc the stuff
Well, the thing is that whenever you have a chicken who starts to act sick, you just can't wait. It's an emergency right off the bat. Because when they are only sort of sick, you won't be able to tell. They hide their symptoms. It's too bad as it sounds like she is a sweet pet and that you love your girls. If you can, it would be worth it to take her to a vet at this point. If you can't, definitely do the research to see if there's anything else you can do for her. But make it a high priority, if you want to save her.
Yes I love my pets and sadly there no vets around that would see her.... she got sick back in may and the I talk to online/Facebook. said she might have inturntal laying. sorry I'm not a good speller....she was mostly a house chicken and last night around 1:30am she got up a trip a little so I when to check on her... I hold her for a few minutes and she past away in my arms..... :'( :'( :'(
Oh no, that's so sad. ' so sorry about your loss. But I looked at your thread in emergencies and she did look really bad. You don't have anything to blame yourself for if she was, I think you said, around 7 years old? That's not a bad age and she obviously had a good life, you loved her and took care of her as best you could. Anyway, as I said, you always learn something from these things, and that's what's important. Don't give up on chickens, hopefully you will eventually be able to get a new hen.
If you get any more sick ones, be sure to post on here first thing. Someone will help you, and you can always pm me if no one does. There's lots of things you can do to help the sick ones, without a vet.
If you get any more sick ones, be sure to post on here first thing.  Someone will help you, and you can always pm me if no one does. There's lots of things you can do to help the sick ones, without a vet.
thanks. it's been hard without Eloise being around. That's true I can do better and learning is a great thing to have and at least she had a good a little over 5 years of life. If anything goes wrong with the others. I will post on here sense my phone would let me post....... I'm thankful she didn't suffer in pain just looks like she went to sleep forever..
[Hugs] I send you a pm.
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