What did your chickens do today?

my cute little Blue Silkie rooster David Bowie tried to mount me today!

He has been extreemly friendly to me lately, wanting me to pet him. Today while I was bent over petting one of my hens, he ran around behind me, did a little dance and jumped up at my bottom! I reached around to pet him and he squatted.

I think he is sexually confused. LOL
oh, hahaha, that's hysterical...
My chickens did nothing until I let them out at 4:00 then they kept eating my dads new grass seed that he put in a place where the grass had died. It was hilarious because my dad would try to shoo them away but they would not go away you would have thought that they knew they were aggravating him.
When I went in for lunch they went in our shop and left their droppings everywhere. Meanies!
I got my gorgeous boy from the animal welfare shelter for $5.....Silky. I could pick him up & nurse him, lay him on his back on my lap & give his tummy a tickle, & he'd sit on my lap & go to sleep while I watched TV...such a little hunny. They told me they had never heard him crow....I thought this was a good thing seeing as though I lived in a built-up area.....as soon as he hit the coop...he started crowing lol. So I keep him in the garage in a little cage until 9am. U can barely hear him crow in the morning & I let him walk himself to the coop each morning. Unfortunately I had to move interstate & had to give my flock away....I miss him so much...my Rocky-roo. He was just so unique. Sometimes because his comb was in front of his face, he would bump into things....so funny. I miss the little guy.


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