What do they say in your neck of the woods?

we say grinder for subs
bubbler for water thing you drink from
and when we were in MI I almost smacked a teller at the bank when he asked my 11 yr old DD if she wanted a sucker, till I saw the lollipop in his hand.
Oh and I love Bah hah bah
I'm Originally from Philadelphia and we say breakfast lunch and supper.
We also call it soda pop is candy on a stick
We call them Hoagies too
And say yous guys instead of you'all
A dresser was a bureau and it was bed clothes.
we also called it a carport and a breezeway was an area attached to the house between the house and garage.
it was a couch not a sofa
We moved to texas and when i asked for a dsoda they didnt know what I meant Tried to give me an icee.

can i get an amen from the front row! (its a Southern Baptist thing)
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Ok Y'all:

In Utah we apparently have a unique way of talkin too. I don't notice it much but then again I am a Utahn through and through.

We don't say the middle sounds of some of our words. We have Layton pronounced Lay'N. Mountain is Mou'N (two syllables). Our Capitol is Salake city and not Salt Lake City.

We have Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. And drink Soda (though many will ask if it is caffeine free).

We also say things like...Oh my heck, What the heck, oh my gosh, oh heavens, goodness gracious, and when you are REALLY angry you may even hear a H E double hockeysticks (said just like that).

When you smash your thumb you say "fudge".

People frequently ask what ward you are from instead of what neighborhood. And regardless of where you are going on the map it is always going down. i.e. I am going down to St. George or I am going down to Ogden. (One is farthest south the other is way north).

And when you move into a new house you will get half a dozen neighbors greeting you with meals and the elders quorum to help unload your boxes. They just show up out of no where. Also if you need a new roof or the lawn needs new sod the Elders Quorum will again show up.

What a great State.

Y'all should come and visit. Sit and stay a spell.
My mom would say the milk had gone blinky on the lettuce had rust on it. She is the only one I have ever heard use those two expressions. She grew up in La.

Even though I claim to be from the south I say you guys instead of ya'll and I was never allowed to say ain't or hey.. I now say hey not sure when I picked that up.

And of course there is the famous"over yonder" or "you can't get there from here".
It is breakfast, lunch and dinner (aka supper) up here.
Some funny sayings in New England are 'I'm all set" which means you don't want anymore
Specific Maineisms are: "dooryard" is the yard outside your door, a 'cubby' is a glove box or similar cubby hole, all stove up (really broken), and the terms "I weren't (going to say anything but..)", and "going 'ta home"
So where do you live and what do you call the midday and evening meal?"

midday = noon

evening meal = supper

I am from MI and came to kansas thru the us millitary, the first time I heard on of the locals say they were "fix'n" to do something - I had no idea what he was talk'n about, now I do and at times I do some "fix'n" of my own.
hahaha,,, my girls call their gram "hey" lol ,, she was so set on making them call her "nanie" and i tried to tell her that with kids,, you dont choose what they call ya,,,,, if you point to her and ask the girls who's that,, they say " its Hey" ,, and what is she?,, they say "our grams" hahaha
Half my life in Anaheim CA: "Oh Guy!"

The other half in Oklahoma: "Oh Gaw!"

(yep, "Coke" means any soft drink)

When we first moved to Okla, I went swimming with some friends at a lake.

They kept telling me: "Now don't go out in th' middle, thar's a whale out thar".

(turns out it was a well that pumped water from the lake for the town and you could get sucked down into it).

It took me almost a year to slow down my talking to where an Okie could understand what I was saying.

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