What do they say in your neck of the woods?

My family's from South central Pa (chambersburg area). Pappy's meals were breakfast, dinner and supper. Red up (clean up) your bedclothes and put your clothes in the bureau. Went to $@it and the hogs ate 'im (don't know where he is). Could hit a can at 50 ft through the screen door or had the back door trots (runny poo:sick). Full as tick, wallop your dodger (swipe a piece of bread thru the gravy on your plate). I could go on, but you'uns are probably bored by now!
This is fun!
Oh.. I almost forgot. First sign we saw when we moved to TX: "Tars and rims on sale" (Huh? oh... tires) And it's not oil, it's earl. and bob war ... We went from appalachian hillbilly to NC hillbilly to Texan, go figure. And DH and I were both raised dam' Yankees in NJ! oh dear, no wonder we're warped .. I mean confused...
Love this thread.

in WA we say "breakfast, lunch, dinner" my grandmother used to call the last meal of the day "supper". But all this is nothing compared to the New Zealand talk I've had to listen to. My SIL married a Kiwi and lives there. Its fun just to listen to her husband say everyday things. Takes some translating of phrases to get everything LOL

the first time I heard him say "boot" took me a long time to figure out he was talking about the trunk of the car LOL
It took me almost a year to slow down my talking to where an Okie could understand what I was saying.

oh my god for REAL!! LOL

My best friend is from CA and when I first met her 7 years ago, I had to slow her down ALL the time!! And say What? What? Slow down! lol She's gettin better bout talkin slow now, but when she gets excited or stressed, it comes out and I have to ask her to slow down again!

Speakin of which.... "Gettin better about it" is one of the things we say here. It doesn't always mean that someone is getting BETTER at something; sometimes it means that they are doing it more or less frequently.​
I had a friend in MI that live 3 doors down she would call me on the phone, and by the she had finally gotten my name out which is not long (Terry) I would get so aggravated cause it took her so long I'd walk down the hall knock on the door and ask her what she wanted already.
And ordering a pizza on the phone was a waste of time they could never figure out what I wanted.
my grandparents are from Mississippi, and they always said, breakfast, dinner and supper.

now, once they moved to Michigan, it became breakfast, lunch and dinner.

well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit...

i wasn't born last night and not under a porch...

shut my mouth and paint me red...


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