What do they say in your neck of the woods?

i say breakfast, lunch and supper.

waterhose a.ka. hose pipe

refrigerator a.k.a. ice box

you all = ya'll (got picked about this when in Co. on a trip!)

about to = fixin' to (i know you might be a red neck thing)

crawfish = mudbugs

celery, onion, bell pepper = the trinity

Cochon de Lait [coo shon du lay] = get together for a pig roast, party gathering with friends and neighbors.

Fais do do = street dance

Pirogue [pee row] = canoe

Pecan [puh kawn}

Parish (instead of counties)

A political division resembling counties in other states.
Louisiana is the only state with parishes
(dating back to Napolean and a strong Catholic influence)

New Orleans [nu or leens, nu awlins]

Lagniappe [lan yap] = something extra

King Cake

Circular yeast cake decorated with purple, yellow and green sugars
and containing a plastic baby (to represent baby Jesus)
Served throughout the Mardi Gras season
-the person who gets the baby provides the next king cake

And last but not least........

Laissez les bon temps roulet! [lay zay lay bon tom roo lay]

ha ha...my dad used to say "warsh."

He was raised in Md.

And he called his jeans his "dungaree's."

"Hey Betsy, did you warsh my dungarees?"

and I grew up in IL. and we said barrets (bar--et) but my cousins on the east coast said, bur-et.

I also had a friend that used to say melk (milk) and ideal (idea).

in maine its " does that mean you dont want coffee? ,,lol,, it would be hard to find a place that serves that yucky stuff lol

Really? No tea?
in maine its " does that mean you dont want coffee? ,,lol,, it would be hard to find a place that serves that yucky stuff lol

Really? No tea?

Here in NC a restaurant would probably be run out of town if they didn't serve sweet tea.
no tea yuk give me ice coffee!
And Dunkin Donuts thinks they invented ice coffee but my family has been drinking it for over 50 yrs at least. And its the best with a scoop of coffee ice cream in it.

We call them grocery stores and we have a ton of rotary's not roundabout which is what my GPS calls it.
We say it's coming up a cloud, meaning it's about to storm. I had a yankee friend who was very confused when I said this once. He wanted to know what kind of cloud was coming up.
Here in GA lunch is lunch & supper is supper & dinner can be interchanged for either one of them. Personally I eat a huge lunch and skip supper unless we go over to Mommanems (Momma & thems aka my parents' house) where she's fixing dinner on the stovetop.

Though I was born and raised 2 blocks from where I live now, the DH and I've lived coast to coast since we've been married. I think the whole thing is a hoot! Reading these posts has really tickled me, but there are a few that I haven't seen...

I feel like death warmed over = I'm sick

CoCola = Coke

Brain Freeze = that headache you get from eating a CoCola Icee too fast

To cut something Off or cut something On

Sunday Clothes = clothes appropriate for wearing to church

Look like 400 HE-double hockeysticks = having a bad hair day

Gyro's (pronounced "year-os") instead of hoagies

ha ha glad you brought that up...here we call them Jy- Roes....hope I spelled that phonetically correct!

I have another friend That moved from CA to here a couple of years ago, and she still slips up sometimes and calls our highways by the number. For instance we have I-40, I-240, and I-35 and so on. She calls them the 40, the 240 and the 35 occasionally. I laugh at her when she does it then she realizes what she said and laughs. She makes fun of me for saying I'm fixing or fixn' to do something. We have fun with our regional differences.
Laissez les bon temps roulet! [lay zay lay bon tom roo lay]

But you didn't tell us what this one means

I feel like death warmed over = I'm sick

Brain Freeze = that headache you get from eating a CoCola Icee too fast

We say those too!​

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