What do you do besides chicken rearing?

I'm new to the forum but am enjoying getting to know you all. I have worked as a broker & dispatcher for the same trucking company for 15 years and my hubby is an owner op - I swear I never get out of trucking!!
We built a beautiful home on 15 acres in SE WI and although our "nice weather" is crammed into 3 months, I try to make the best of it. We've got about a 7 acre pond so I get to see the spring goslings and ducklings as well as the occasional muskrat, deer, egret, herons and sand hill cranes. It's a regular wildlife sanctuary and I love it. Now I'm going to add some domestication!! 1 dog, 1 cat w/3 new kittens, 1 cockatiel, and now 16 chicks...life is good
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Wow. You guys have such interesting lives. I wonder what my post would say in 20 years...

I just graduated college and am starting grad school to become a high school science teacher...In my spare time I'm building a chicken coop! Ha ha- it seems like its taking forever to complete. Also I love to garden. My arch enemy? tomato horn worm!
I've been with the Air Force since I graduated high school. Spent 16 years working as a Power Lineman for the Air Force, and for the past couple years have worked as a
C-130 Flight Engineer.
I worked in a seat belt factory when I first got out of high school. Then got hired in at GM in Flint, MI, at the V-8 plant. Got layed off and went to college and got my associates degree and went to work in hospital lab as a Histotechnogists (tissue). Move to AZ and loved it. Lived there for 10 years and, yes, I like it HOT!!! Move back to MI to live with my mother and to finish my degree. I don't recommend that anybody, even my worst enemy, moves back in with a parent after being on your own for so long.
I now work in a hospital lab as a Cytotechnologist. I screen any fluid (for CA and other stuff) that can be sucked out of patients body!! I also screen those notorious PAP test that ladies so look forward to.

My passion has always been horses, even thought I'm a lousy rider. I own one horse, Bubba. He's a Tennesse Walker and way too much horse for me, both in spirit and height. 16 hands high and I'm only 5'4"!!!
Chickens are my new thing and probably more my speed !!!

I'm am in the process of building my coop and run with alot of help from my friends, Rose and Dick.
I have 17 pullets that are 10 weeks old. When I feed them bread they remind me of those little dinosaurs in the movie "Jurassic Park", or perhaps Piranhas. I also have 8 pullets and 2 roos that are 4 weeks old and still in that adorable chick stage. When they are out of the brooder I'm going to have too get more!!! Especially when Rose gets her coop and run done, then she will be taking almost half to her place.
Also I'm not a Tech Head. I can't even program in numbers in my cell phone ( I used to laugh at my Dad for not knowing how to run the microwave). This is the only site I am registered on and even put in messages. So I'm all ready for the space age!!!
I am still in school but work all the time. When I turned 16 I started working for the feed store, I was a russian translator for the chain of stores in the area. Now I work for a small dairy goat farm mostly milking and cleaning barns. I also work at home, never ending things to do it seems.
I have been a stay at home mother since my oldest child was 9mths old. It has been great! I did try to go back to work when my youngest started kindergarten. It was horrible. My kids have always been healthy and never had any probs and all of a sudden my youngest started having seizures! 10-15 a day! I quit my job and stayed at home to care for my son and pray for him to get better. We eventually found the right med for him and got him regulated so the seizures could stop. Thank goodness he has been seizure free for over a year! If he stays seizure free for one more year then we can slowly take him off his meds and see if he has outgrown them!!!!!! I didn't realize how important my job as a mother was until he got sick. They really need us!
Before kids I worked in an med insurance company dealing with college students and their claims. Before that I worked with special needs kiddos and adults. I love my life and wouldn't trade it for anything. I love the kids and I love my husband and I love our land and house. Oh I forgot--I love all my animals!
i'm a fulltime web designer and work for the national reining horse association. i also maintain a decent amount of freelance design clients. i'm a photographer outside of that, and there are more than a few random things.
I'll take a turn, too. I started out at 12 helping my mom clean houses. Spent 5 years in fast food, working up to shift manager. Became a single, working mom at 19. Married an amazing man at 21.

Served a 5 1/2 year sentence at our local hospital as a Medical Records Clerk, doing everything from filing to birth certificates (loved that part). Paroled myself in '93 to have the second child.

Stayed home until child #3 was 3. That's when I took a "part-time-temporary job" doing medical coding/billing/transcription for our local pathologist. I 'retired' four years later when he retired in '05.

Became a full-time volunteer at my two younger kids' schools the first year off. When my mom and both my in-laws became ill a year ago, I took a larger roll in their lives, driving to doc's appointments, etc.

As well as wearing 5 hats now with our local Girl Scouts. I think they'd like to give me more, but I have a hard enough time keeping track of the ones I have now.

So..........I'm a full-time mom/wife/daughter/driver/note-taker/organizer/volunteer. And, even as busy as I am and as insane as it gets, I wouldn't have it any other way.
This is one of the most interesting threads i have ever read....

I started working for my dad at 14 cleaning telephone booths and doing minor repairs replacing phone books, handsets, plexiglass panels... loved this job out in the delta area of California, so fishing was the order of the day as soon as our tickets were completed... Worked at fast food places also (Baskin Robins was my favorite)

Met wife (then girlfriend) and decided i was tired of school and passed up a scholarship to college ( i know what was i thinking, 17 and stupid). Went to work for a major oil company and got married at age 19. We have 2 children, boy and girl and raised my sister-in law also.

Worked many jobs at the refinery until I found a job that keeps me interested all the time and I have fun at it. I currently work in information security and infrastructure design. I have been with this company for 28 years and plan on retiring in 5 more. that will put me at 51 and the youngest child will have graduated college by then.

The wife and I are actively looking for a place in the country for us to retire too.

My oldest is 1 year shy of graduating from college.
The youngest starts this fall

Have been raising chickens for 3 years and gardening for a decade.... looking forward to when I can step it up on my own acres....

Norm in N.CA

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