What do you do besides chicken rearing?

Well, I used to be an executive for the largest pig producer in the world until my conscience got the better of me...environmental and animal welfare issues. So now I am living the laid-back life in Mount Airy, NC (Mayberry) and own a home care agency. We provide caregivers to elderly clients that help them around the house with cooking and cleaning and companionship. It is a very rewarding career...trying to get my karma back after spending 13 years in corporate agriculture.

Well, I havent said what ive done in the past so here it goes:
Squash Coach
sales assistant in pricey snobby boutique with free clothes given by designers.
Meter Maid on the Gold Coast
Hostess at nightclub on Gold Coast
Hotel Receptionist
Diamond consultant
Avon consultant
Airport sales assistant
Football club receptionist
Then I fell 2 storeys after 2 bottles of Dom Perignon and only cut my leg open but was in the newspapers, then got MS and got pregnant to a miracle baby which the Drs said I'd never have, then gave up work to be a mum, which is the best of all!!!!
Bravo, Bantymum, I knew there was something special about you the first time I read your posts/saw your photo. Good luck girl!
Oh Ozark, that is so sweet of you, I think all of us are special and from my neardeath or (should have been death experience) Ive got a great zip on my leg! i say try not to take life too seriously, have fun, dont judge others too harshly if at all, just stay out of their firing lines!, and dont let others upset you,
Laugh at least twice a day!!
My Goddess, I'm boring compared to the lot of you.
I've been in retail for 30+ years, yuk! I started at Paragon Park stapling bargain tags on people's clothes so they wouldn't lose them for $3.00 an hour. LOL
I've sold shoes on commission, rocks and fossils, educational kids toys and now work at a pet store. Which I absolutely love except for my boss who's an idiot.
I've had chickens for 4 years as of Monday and fish for about 5 years and am the new momma of a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach as of last Sunday. DH hasn't noticed George yet.
I love to work in my garden or just outdoors at all.
I'm married for 19 years and have a 13 year old son at who's school I used to volunteer at, crash field trips, and used to be a Webelos asst. den leader.
Cool, Bantymum...when I was having one of my heart surgeries, I died on the table...
Let's see... I've had at least 3 distinct careers... and that doesn't count the "between bookings", before and after stuff.

As a kid, I was very entrepreneurial. Mom called me in from playing ball one day and to my surprise, there was a power mower in our dining room! She asked if I wanted it... and since our yard had a steep hill... of course I wanted it! Once catch, I had to pay for it.

Within the year, I was making 20 bucks a week mowing lawns for 50 cents and raking for 25 cents. In the fall, I'd rake leaves, and then pray for snow in the winter so I could shovel walks.

I also picked berries, beans and finally cherries.

After college I joined the USMC(R) and was fortunate enough to be one of 212 women in the world serving as a USMC Officer. That started my career in food service.

After Vietnam ended, I pursued food service, managing fast food, serving as a Food and Beverage Director for Holiday Inn, and even doing some cheffing at a country club.

The body got pretty beat up, so I returned from the South to Oregon and changed careers... going to work for Tektronix and working my way up to Systems Technician.

About that time, I also started raising rabbits, having a desire to get back into the food business at the "front end". Within a few months, I became the Marketing Manager for a small local rabbit processor.

Couple years later, I ended up owning that little plant. We moved to a larger facility and then built our own "state-of-the-art" processing plant. After 12 long years, we became recognized as world experts (overnight success). Just four short years later, we closed the doors, tired of the constant harrassment from our own government, and due to the loss of supply from devastating flooding in 95-96.

Then came the "in between"... working for Norm Thompson's, selling cars, working as a live-in caregiver for DD Adults.

Since then, I've published and successfully sold one e-book, and have written and willingly share another e-book about life goals (download here for free).

Most recently, I've completely changed directions and have left virtually everything I own in Oregon, moved to Utah to help 3 very good friends establish their little farm in the middle of nowhere.

"Mom" (Cindy's mom) takes care of our meals when she's able, and looks after our 5 dogs.

Cindy works at a nearby farm during the summer. She's an ex-cop, and commercial pilot. She jokingly calls her job the best training in the world for what we want to do... and she gets paid, too.

Bev is a cancer survivor and ex-cop. She drives the Senior Center bus 3 days a week. She also has great carpentry skills, so with her in charge, we pretty much build whatever we want.

I take care of the sheep and the chickens. Also I feed the horse and am learning to train horses. I look after Mom, and help her with the things she loves to do... with the chicks and in the greenhouse.

Pretty sweet life. We fall into bed about sunset and wake when we're ready... generally by 7 AM.
I currently work as a Quality Tech for a rubber company that makes floor mats for heavy duty trucks and all sorts of other rubber products. That is my full-time job, then I am the youth pastor at our church part-time. I am also a husband and and father of 2(1 boy & 1 girl).
Spotted Crow: you are not boring, you just havent been in the wrong place at the right time!!!
Therealshari, how fantastic, you have had a great life experience and its always nice to take a step back and slow down isnt it!
This is so interesting, I hope you guys have your personal pages set up!!!you should!!
I have worked as a medical secretary for eleven and a half years before moving to southern MO. Then took an assembly job in a steel factory, stayed with them for seventeen years doing machine line, welding, inspector and finally computer data entry. Now I have retired and discovered chickens. Before all the jobs there were four daughters to raise and a step daughter who is like my own. Now girls are all grown and we live in the middle of 82 acres and I have have cats, dogs, chickens and a couple guineas. Most relaxed I have ever been and thank God every morning for this beautiful fullfilling life.
So true isnt it, the best things in life are free!
Getting up in the morning at your own pace, or should I say, "the rooster's pace"and walking around saying good morning to your flock and feeling the morning sun on your face, sheer bliss.
Wonder what the rich are doing!!!

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