What do you do besides chicken rearing?

Olivia is a student in the 5th grade, artist, songwriter, musician, poet, novelist, animal-lover....

Stacey has about 8 balls in the air at all times. Past: waitress/starving artist (painter), dealer in mid-century-modern furniture. Currently: writer for sailing magazines, graphic designer/web design, model, manager of our charter sailboat, assistant to mom's vacation rental business in season, as well as stay-at-home mom, organic gardener, and soon to be chicken-keeper (hopefully!)
I do one-on-one work with developmentally disabled children and love every minute of it
I'm also a full time student. I'm hoping the chickens, along with my other pets, will provide a little stress-relief!
I'm a wife.
I'm a home-unschooler of 5 children
(9yrs, 7yrs, 5yrs, 3yrs and 4mnths). And a small farmer/gardener. 50ish chickens, 4 goats, 3 guineas, 1 dog and 3 cats.

Amy J.
I am a nurse, But have been a stay at home mom, for about a year . (since my last child was born)mother of three. 1 girl, 2 boys. I am a home school teacher, baby sitter, 4-H leader, dog groomer and trainer. And I volentary care provider for a elderly man in his home.
I also am a momma to two kids and a wife. But when Im away from my teeny tiny farm, I teach different levels of chemistry and chemical enginnering at a local university full time. In fact, right now I should be grading paper....
I work in Finance for a large publicly traded company!

Mom of three kids, two girls one boy - husband to the AWESOME guy doing the dishes

(no chicks yet - but we're moving soon and then I'll be a chicken keeper and homeschooling mom!)
i've worked at a hospital for 22 years, 12 in operating room
the last 10 in maintenance dept. before that i've farmed, been a carpenter, welded, built boats, roofed houses , just about everything. now i raise chickens, grow a garden, serve God, and love the wife and kids!
First of all i spent 6 years in the usmc and worked in the pentagon for 4 of those years. After i got married and had my three girls i became a nurse and i have been for the last 12 years. I work as a critical care nurse for the last 7 and though i love nursing am thinking of a change. We also raise foundation quarter and paint horses.
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I currently teach 5th grade, I taught 2nd for 3 years and 6th grade reading for 3 years. I truly LOVE teaching. Before this I was a substitute teacher for 4/5 years. I worked for 2 years in the mortage business. I've been an optician's apprentice (glorified secretary) retail clerk, preschool teacher, cashier at a grocery store, and summer camp counselor. I've worked a Chuck E. Cheese's (fun!) and Burger King. There are MANY more things, but my current status is my fav. I'm also mom to a 10 y/o boy and trying my hand at chickens and farming/gardening and such. During the summers, I "homeschool" my boy and sometimes my sister's 10 y/o too. I'm hoping to have him for a month this summer, yeah!
Well another RN here, 25 years of different jobs, now part time at Intel as OCC health, have traveled the world, Egypt ,england, Greece, Turkey, am a professional dog trainer, and not married!
see pics www.justineleo.net

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