What do you do besides chicken rearing?

I started out working retail when I was 18 and going to college to be a firefighter. I got into the academy at 22 but broke both my ankles and had to drop out. I was slated to go to the next academy, but to make a long story short, the ortho found I have degenerative disk disease in my lower back. It was an old injury I had since I was 17 and was trampled by two horses running full speed. I had to give up firefighting. :thun
So, I continued working some retail, doing shipping and recieving and running the front end (managing a group of 18 year olds is harder than it sounds).
I got into the dirt bike business a few years ago and now I work at a big company in town as a purchaser. I just started doing e-commerce (ie. selling stuff that we need to get rid of on eBay). It doesn't sound very glamorous because it's not
but I work with great people in an industry that I love.
I just started physical therapy for my back since it's getting worse at a fast rate and set to fuse itself in 5 or so years!! The PT will keep that from happening so soon. I'm only 29!
DH works for the city as a service writer after working in the high end automotive industry for almost 10 years.
I've been riding horses my whole life and I grew up on a farm. DH was a city boy but loves the chickens (the horses... not so much) and our three dogs. Our favorite thing to do on the weekends is futs around the house and watch the girls free range.
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Born in so-cal, raised until 12 in the San Fernando Valley, Moved to Portland Ore, Grad H.S there. Joined the U.S Army in 83 (M-1 Tank Gunner), Married in 86, ETS'd from Army in 87, moved to vegas, I have been a professional off road racer, worked in a gold mine in Beatty Nev..yep a real one. been a truck driver, Mechanic, shipping & rec. been a Tile setter, worked in hospitals for a couple yrs certifying thier med gas systems and such. Then i got into high rise window cleaning then eventually opened my own hi rise window cleaning biz in vegas in 97, then sold it in 2002 when my father passed away so that i could take care of my mother who has Alzheimers. im big time into my genealogy and history. Now im a wanna be home steader
. allways looking for way to live off grid and be as self sustaining as possible. Thats one of the reasons i decided to get into chickens....I was tired of not knowing where my food came from and what was in it. Would eventually like to get some meat birds as well as other animals, but thats down the road a while. Just basically looking for a simpler way of life. if that is even possible in this day and age

So...There you Have it, My life in a nutshell
I am an RN who worked in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit until about a year ago when I had my last baby. This is the first time I have gotten to take a little break and I am loving it. I am brand new to raising chickens so I am sure I will have lots of questions as I start this new journey.

I'm mostly a stay-at-home mom to 2 little girls (4 1/2 and 11 months) and also teach handwork part-time at a Waldorf school.
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I was a bookkeeper for 16 years for a small builders supply company after it was sold out about 5 years ago I became a Bail bondsman with the state of North Carolina and now work bail bonds and have a home business I run so I can be close to my true calling ...of Poutry Princess. lol . I am mom to 2 kids and 2 more step kids(all teenagers) and wife to a wonderful man that loves animals as much as I do , especially chickens. We spend all our time together and want nothing more than to be in each others company and in the company of our feathered friends.
See ya,
well i worked at a buger shop for 2 months.... then they fired me because they hired a whole bunch of juniors younger than me (so their wagers are less than mine)... but while i was working there i was doing work experience at Muffin Break in another shopping centre... when i told them what happened they said... you wanna work here as a real employee??.... it was the most awesome day ever!! i've been working there ever since... going on my 9th month there working now!
I am a 43 yr old widowed (5 yrs now) gal. I have 3 children (15 yr old boy, 13 yr old boy and 11 yr old girl), 2 dogs, 1 hamster, 1 lonely fish 6 hens in the coop and 6 new babies that just arrived!

I work as a preschool teacher teaching basically a jr. Kindergarten. I also tutor reading before and after school to children with learning disabilities.

For about 6 years I waited tables(yuck) Now I am a vet tech have been for the past 15 years. I foster orphan kittens and puppies, show my pbgvs in conformation and agility. I also have several tortoises plus my cats and chickens. I also love to garden in the small amt of yard that isn't occupied by either the dogs play yard or the chickens. Lets start a fund to send Amy to the country(my neighbors would probably love ya)

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