What do you do with excess roosters?

If you are allowed to have roosters and you have the funds, you could set up a bachelor pad- a separate coop of ONLY roosters. They have all the same coop needs as hens (aside from nesting boxes) but probably need a bit more space per chicken. This makes it so that you can keep all your friendly roos (and look at the rooster eye candy!) without having issues with the hens. This also makes it easy to pick a roo that you think would be good with the hens, once you feel comfortable integrating them (this works if you have waaaaaaaaay too many roos per hen in your current brood) The 1:10 R:H ratio is not a perfect number. This number ensures that you'll get good fertility in your flock, and your hens most likely won't get overmated. However, depending on the temperament of the roo, you can have a smaller ratio and still have peace, or need a larger ratio to keep it calm in the coop. If I were in a position to set things up like I wanted, I'd have a bachelor pad and cull any aggressive roos.
Ratios are relevant. They can't be applied as a hard and fast method for every situation. If I ever decide to keep another rooster, he will not live with the hens. If I want to raise a clutch, I'll arrange conjugal visits. Also consider the crowing. How much can you and your neighbors tolerate?
Also consider the crowing. How much can you and your neighbors tolerate?
Yep, crowing would be the issue in my neighborhood. They even called the police for barking dog when my dogs cornered a possum on the patio. Roosters are not allowed in city limits. We do have a flock of feral chickens making the rounds and they have one rooster. You can hear him crowing from different directions every morning. You should see the traffic stop so the flock can cross the main highway. LOL.
When I get roosters in my orders- I only order females, but have had at least 3 roosters by accident- I sell them on Craigs list and have never had an issue.
Oh...man...I raised 18 unsexed that my unknowing brother picked up for me..months of feeding and caring..brother picked his 8 when the time came to rehouse...he only had 2 hens...but fed them for an additional 2 months before they exhibited signs...almost killed the two hens mounting them...1 rooster can/is one too many...unless you want your own chicks. You don’t need a roo for eggs but they can be protective towards the flock. Good luck.
Oh...man...I raised 18 unsexed that my unknowing brother picked up for me..months of feeding and caring..brother picked his 8 when the time came to rehouse...he only had 2 hens...but fed them for an additional 2 months before they exhibited signs...almost killed the two hens mounting them...1 rooster can/is one too many...unless you want your own chicks. You don’t need a roo for eggs but they can be protective towards the flock. Good luck.
Both my roos work really hard at protecting our girls, and the girls love them for it! Dogs, possums, coyotes, hawks...we've seen our roos run all these enemies away! I really hate roo discrimination!!
Personalities can change between chick, teen, and adult stages. So if you’re looking to keep one watch closely for attitude changes.

This year we hatched 20 chickens, 14 of which were cockerels. When trying to decide who to keep, we originally had the friendliest boy-chik marked. But once hormones set in, he and several other friendly chicks turned into less nice cockerels. They had no fear or caution of humans. In the end we kept a shy, adequately pretty boy who became a total sweetheart who loves his ladies and us.

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