What does apple cider vinigar do?

You can put the ACV in their waterer and crush fresh garlic and mix it with their feed.

We've been giving our flock crushed garlic since they were a couple days old. They love freshly crushed garlic in their feed, in low-fat, low-sodium cottage cheese and in their fat-free, plain yogurt with active cultures.
What is the reason behind not putting garlic in with vinegar in the water? I do it and I don't see anything odd happening.

What I see with the Vinegar, is their poops are better. Firmer and whiter.
Just started doing this. I chop one garlic bulb very fine and add it to the ACV. I have been adding it to every full waterer I have. The CHICKENS LOVE IT ! I cant believe the amount of water they are drinking once I added the ACV and Garlic. Thanks for the tip......awesome.

Northern NH
Hi all you ever so knowledgeable folks! Can anyone tell me if it is safe to combine Oxine and cider vinegar? Or do I need to do them on different days?
I have used both at the same time, and I didn't see any negative effects.
Hi all you ever so knowledgeable folks! Can anyone tell me if it is safe to combine Oxine and cider vinegar? Or do I need to do them on different days?
I got lucky and found mother of vinegar in Walmart brand Great Value ACV. I didn't know what it was at first. Looked like some sort of filmy, cloudy, mucus in the bottom of the bottle. I let it grow and it's covering the surface. Now to make my first batch of hard Apple Cider so I can keep it going :) I've seen it since then in a few bottles at the store. Look through them a bit and you might get lucky like I did.
I got lucky and found mother of vinegar in Walmart brand Great Value ACV. I didn't know what it was at first. Looked like some sort of filmy, cloudy, mucus in the bottom of the bottle. I let it grow and it's covering the surface. Now to make my first batch of hard Apple Cider so I can keep it going :) I've seen it since then in a few bottles at the store. Look through them a bit and you might get lucky like I did.

"Mothers" of ACV is just Cellulose and Acetic Acid Bacteria.

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I live in an area with very acidic soil and water. Would adding the apple vinegar make it too acidic? Should i limit to once per week? Not at all?

I noticed one of my hens looking a bit sad lately. I checked her for mites and injury and can't find any. Her eggs are looking smaller and have black specks lately too. She a RIR and is my best layer. Would garlic and apple cider help her?
Wow this is an old thred! But just what I was looking for. Great info thanks. I hope this helps my rooster whom lost his crow and is sneezing and sounds congested.

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