What does the squat and wing spread mean?

Yep they are ready to be mated with, I have 2 young serama pullets in my basement that just started doing the same thing. I grab em, pet them, they shake it off and go about their business. None of my serama roosters want anything to do with these new girls.
Us too, event hough we have a rooster to keep them happy, LOL

Same here have a roo to her happy, but i cant help it.
I just like that their submissive behavior makes it easier to catch them. Last night when I went out to close their door for the night, 5 of the 7 chickens came running out to see me. I may have them a little too spoiled.
Whenever they see me, or hear me, they come running because I often bring a little container of crickets to hand feed them. I started buying bulk crickets for our frogs and lizard, then realized that I might as well up my order to 500 crickets instead of 110 so I'd have extras to feed to the chickens. My Barred Rock even does fancy little jump/kick moves to get the crickets. I'll have to try to get those moves on video sometime. If I hold the cricket about 2 feet above her head, she'll jump and kick her legs out to the side (kind of like a sideways split) or sometimes she'll do a little one leg back kick...there are several versions of the fancy jump and kick for crickets. I often make her perform her "acrobatic" dance moves for company.
Anyway, last night I had a hard time convincing them that I didn't have anything for them and it was time for bed. I ended up having to pick them up and put them back in the house since they refused to go on their own. Silly girls.
Roosters are jerks. I haven't eaten meat in years, but I think I'd eat rooster noodle soup. Roosters *deserve* to be eaten.

But yeah... the "mount me" squat is kind of creepy. We got two already-laying hens and they started doing that to me a few days ago. Gross.
So I just went out to the backyard and my BR did the squat. I gave her a little shake, and sure enough...she fluffed up and shook! LOL. Kinda creepy, but kinda funny.

Who's yer daddy!
I have chickens and when i touch them even though they don't like me very much they still do the squat thing and i thought they were just scared stiff of me petting them i didn't khow it ment that...
our chooks are just 6 months old, and yesterday, i was rounding them up and our red silkie spread her wings for me, i thought this was her squaring up to me? but after reading the comments i think differently, she done the same today, she spread her wings but this time she squatted, i scratched her back, she then wiggled her tail and wandered off, as if to say business done. I feel kinda wierd...? like does she fancy me...i kinda feel perverted for doing it, cos she thinks shes been mated?
Awesome! I thought they were telling me to back off or something... but they do let us pick them up. One of our girls even stomps her feet. Totally hilarious. thanks for the info!
So I saw this today, for the first time. I have a 4 ft fence for a 20ft run, and our oldest hen always seems to get out. She doesn't go anywhere, just walks around and poops on stuff she' not supposed to.

Anyway I was trying to catch her, and got her into a corner and she did this squat. I pick her up, gave her a nice petting and let her go, into the run. That's why I am here.

I read a little, learned about the chicken dance, and well yes it works. Also reading further, I checked and found out that today we have out first egg.

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