What homesteaders/ farmers do u all watch on YouTube?

I watch all of them a little bit, but some have gotten so commercial and annoying (lookin at you, Homesteady). I like roots and refuge and appalachian the best. Elliot tries too hard to be cool and whispery. She destroyed a perfectly good kitchen to make it look old. So much waste! She is definitely not in it for the environment. Justin Rhodes sometimes, but he can be a bit much.

I like them when they don't act too big for their britches.
I didn’t like homesteady much myself. And Justin Rhodes to me is inspiring. Yes I don’t agree with Elliot homestead either on what they do for remodeling but she has beautiful cottage gardens
I didn’t like homesteady much myself. And Justin Rhodes to me is inspiring. Yes I don’t agree with Elliot homestead either on what they do for remodeling but she has beautiful cottage gardens
I like justin rhodes for the fact that he comes from a farming family and has had history with everything that he is doing. When people are just starting up with homesteading or a project, I try to not watch those episodes because they could be feeding wrong information and I don't want to learn from people who don't know what they're doing. So frequently the newbies will post a video with the project theyre doing and say all these great things about it and then the next year it fails and it was their fault. If we copied the newbies our project would have failed too.
There are lots of people just trying to make money off of homesteading videos because being self sustainable is becoming increasingly popular with all the craziness going on in the world. And even small things like a few chickens or a little garden is something that lots of people have now.
So some people just try to figure it out for themselves and make money from recording it. They mostly just pretend they know what they're doing.
I'm going to stop myself from ranting now but this is just something to be aware of.
I honestly can't believe anyone could dislike Homesteady! Those guys are the best! And if you happened to have watched their video titled "WHY I DIDN'T WANT TO HOMESTEAD", I may or may not be Calla, the girl who sent the email 😉

(Okay, I am)

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