what is your chicken's weirdest treat?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 2, 2007
salt lake city, Ut
I fed my chickens macaroni and cheese the other day and they fought over it like it was mealworms. It made me wonder, what do your chickens love that you weren't expecting them to?
Fried chicken!
And taco's from our local taco place. They go nuts every time we eat them, I think they must smell them cuz I can NOT get them to behave when we are eating tacos.
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Keeping in mind they do eat bugs, I still find it weird that my girl eat scorpions. Or maybe I just find it really gross, not sure now that I think about it.
Well last night I found out my older (5 months) hens and 1 roo really like pepperoni pizza, my barred rock Betty Boop sat on my husbands shoulder so she could partake, I drew the line at the cold beer though

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