What is your favorite breed of dog?

I realized I completely forgot to mention the purpose of the dog after I posted, so thank you for asking. I like medium energy dogs that will like to walk and play but can tire out fairly quick and don't need tons of stimulation. We dont have a fenced yard so I would need one that will listen, and it would need to not mind the chickens, rabbits and cats.
I love Rosie, but they are extremely high maintenance. I thought about a standard poodle and it is high on my list as are afghan hounds, but I know nothing about these guys except they are listed as hypoallergenic. Being a hound though means its going to be a little stubborn. I also have Rottweilers and Mastiffs on my list, lol! The vet said short haired breeds are more likely to have skin issues though.
I absolutely love Afghan Hounds. Someday I'll get one when I can devote all my time to grooming so she could have a full show coat.
They're very aloof, they can be stubborn, and they know they are beautiful lol.
I don't think I've ever met one in person though.
Breeding them to a standard? who made the standard? Do you have a link to it? Breeding for any other reason than to make their dogs curlier?
I’m not sure if they are or not but I think so and yes for other reasons lol there are good doodle breeders
I absolutely love Afghan Hounds. Someday I'll get one when I can devote all my time too grooming so she could have a full show coat.
They're very aloof, they can be stubborn, and they know they are beautiful lol.
I don't think I've ever met one in person though.
Someone who goes to school with me has one, and they are HILARIOUS in real life. They look like they want to speak to the manager, and act like you've been telling them a long boring story and they're just done
I've fostered almost 1000 dogs in 21 years. Many have been outstanding dogs. I do have a favorite breed or two LOL. It's VERY hard for me to narrow it down because I love different breeds for different reasons. Here's a few and I'll end with my favorite:

Shelter dogs from rural kill shelters- I don't know why, but these dogs are the BEST DOGS!

Shiba Inu- If you're a cat person, Shiba Inus may be a dog you like. I rescued one that didn't sell at a puppy mill auction, then somebody abandoned one at our farm, so we have two. They need a REALLY escape proof fence, with the bottom rolled in, because they only come back when they feel like it. It's not that they want to roam like a Husky, they are just very independent. They are not needy dogs and mine get along in a large pack. They do have a coat that really sheds when they blow their coat. Mine hate water, just like a cat LOL

English Shepherds, with a second place for short haired Border Collies- These are your old fashioned farm collies. They are smart and can help with farm chores but not as high energy as Border Collies. There are Border Collies that aren't crazy. I currently have a short haired Border Collie that is wonderful, but when she passes, I'm getting the English Shepherd like I had as a child.

English Labs- not your field Lab! A Lab that has an "off button" LOL

Clumber Spaniels- REALLY NICE personality in a medium sized dog. Not so over bred, so you can still get a nice dog.

English Cocker- This is one I wouldn't pick myself but hubby had one when we met and I rescued a young buff Cocker 24 hours before they were doing mass kill at a rural shelter. He took me a full 6 months to potty train. He was probably a puppy mill pup that didn't sell and they dumped him at 4 mos old. But he was the sweetest dog. It is very hard to find a groomer that can do a good Cocker cut, and I hate taking dogs to the groomer. But if you don't mind, an English Cocker is a nice dog. Don't touch the American Cockers. We had one that had Cocker Rage Syndrome and it truly is like Schizophrenia. We finally had to put him him down when he went for a neighbor child's throat. He was truly unpredictable (and I worked for vets for 8 years)

Coton de Tulear- In fairness I don't have one yet, but I have no doubt they will live up to my research. They are known as a happy, not as "yippy" small dog. They love to be with people and get along with other animals. If it was just for me, I'm not sure I would have one, but we have a very mildly disabled daughter who requested "a fluffy". It's one of the few small breeds I think I can tolerate, and still groom myself.

Irish Wolfhound- Their coat is a bit of a pain, in that it truly is supposed to be stripped. My two were rescues from a backyard breeder that actually took good care of them. Since they never had their coat stripped they simply won't let me do it. They aren't great with brushing either, so we do shave them in Spring and Summer. They are very sweet and gentle dogs. They do need a very high quality food and I have to feed mine canned food, in addition to dry in the winter, because they drop weight very easily. People always think they are starving. It's impossible to explain to people that they'll never see a Greyhound type dog that isn't ribby.

Pyrenean Mastiff (white/brown dog in my avatar)- Rare breed that is far superior to Great Pyrenees and other commonly used livestock guard dogs. I had one that was actually a house dog and he watched over my children. He was 160# of deadly protection and not for people who won't socialize and train their dog. But his dedication and protection has left a hole in my heart.

My all time favorite of dog breeds is the LEONBERGER (two brown dogs with black masks in my avatar)! They are a giant breed with a loving heart, similar to a Golden Retriever. They LOVE WATER! They adore children! They were bred to look like lions and have very cat like feet and mane around their neck. They love people and other dogs. If they meet a person they don't like, you are in real danger. They are extremely empathetic and want to be with their people. They are not guard dogs, but each of mine has risen to defend me, if a severe situation arises. I take mine everywhere with me. They are worth every penny of extra feed and cost to own them! I will always have a few of these and they are our family's favorite dog.
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Shelter dogs from rural kill shelters- I don't know why, but these dogs are the BEST DOGS!
That is where we got my 1 year old Boston Pitt (?) mix from, a NY rescue who shipped him from Alabama….he is the biggest love bug, by far the best and sweetest dog I’ve ever known. Did not know he was mixed w Pitt (mom was a Boston terrier, he was only 4 weeks when they found him), or I might have been scared away from him. He is AMAZING. I will never look to a breeder as we have 2 family members who got dogs from breeders and you can spend $1000 less and save a life w a great rescue dog! ❤️❤️

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