What is Your Favorite Word to Describe Your Flock?

My 2 are "cold blooded", I am completely convinced that they would eat me if i was smaller than them. They look at me with one cold blooded eye, they are thinking of a way to kill me. I spoil them to, they give me 2 eggs a day.

I feel like this when I get home.


Here is Moniques death stare

chicken 1.jpg

This is her standing on the back of my chair looking for the best way to end me.:fl


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"The chickeninas" for hens. [Pronounced: chicken-een-ahs]

New pullets are collectively called "the chickenininas" until they start laying or thereabouts.

(N.B. These terms are only used between DH and myself.)

The roosters are invariably referred to as "the roosters".

When calling them, I use a singsong "here chick-chick, here chick-chick-chick" for all chickens.

My main flock all come running when I say “chickie chickens”. We have a bunch of chicks we hatched this spring that are all mostly black so they are “the vultures” when referring to if they have been fed or not. I also picked up a trio of one WL and two CCL and those three are referred to as the “road runners” since they are much sleeker than my other birds.

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