what kind of ducks are these?


5 Years
Mar 17, 2014
Hello! I have had chickens for a while, but looking at getting ducks as well! my wife and I had decided to find some Pekin ducks, however they seem to be hard to find this year, apparently illness cleared out this type from most of the local hatcheries a year ago so supply is quite low.. we found someone online selling Pekin ducks, when we asked for a picture we received this.

every pekin duck ive seen was pure white, are there different varieties (eg orpington chickens come in buff, black, blue etc)
are they crosses?


There are two Pekins in the bunch and Rouens and I think Blue Swedish as well. The Pekins are the yellow ones. That black duck is blocking the view of the Pekins.
There are two Pekins in the bunch and Rouens and I think Blue Swedish as well. The Pekins are the yellow ones. That black duck is blocking the view of the Pekins.
x2 and
Thank you, that's what I figured. the person selling said they were all pekin ducks but I found that hard to believe, but being new to ducks i figured id come here and ask!

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