What might have caused this? GRAPHIC processed cockerel picture heavy

I'd have to go with the silkie idea as well... Thanks to comparing the one to a purple grape
I don't think I'll be eating any grapes from now on
Nope no silkie in him - heritage orp and hatchery EE (guess the EE could have some, buried somewhere - with hatchery guess you never can tell). Very interesting that your silkie had black testicles

Attack Chicken
DH surprised me and brought home grapes..............yep - purple, he enjoyed them all

Thank you all - guess it shall be a mystery.
I have processed several cockerels this fall with similar colored testicles. Has anyone found the reason? I noticed that the thread is very old, no recent entries.
I have heard that in the gonads of both hens and roosters that 1 is a neutral gonadotropin meaning it has the ability to change into the opposite sex organ. You may have heard of hens spontaneously turning into roosters or vice versa. It is rare but it can happen. I am not sure if this could be why there are 2 different colors.

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